The Antioch Baptist Church


The following comes from the clerk's book of the Antioch Baptist Church of Christ, located on the "banks of the Lavaca River" in the vicinity of Ezzell in southeastern Lavaca County. Nancy Hanson states that her great grandfather was at one time the church clerk and had possession of the clerk's book when the church disbanded. The book records all of the business meetings, including names of members joining, being dismissed, etc., and covers 1867-1895. The document was transcribed by Nancy and Henry Hanson just as it appears in the church clerk's book, including misspelled words, abbreviations and paragraphs, etc. The original was written in pencil and in some cases cannot be read. Those parts are blank with underscores. A list of church members in October 1895 is the final entry.

The Constitution of Antioch Church Lavaca County Texas

Lavaca County Texas Oct. 13 1866

The undersigned Brethren and sisters some of which were holding letters of dismission from Baptist Churches others having certificates of Baptism and residing in the vicinity of the Haris School House near Lavaca River Lavaca County Texas having intimated their desire to be constituted a Church of Christ to worship and to keep the ordinances of the church after the partron of the new testament Churches

We the under signed minister of the gospel and deacon of the Church invited by said breathren to aid in the above named object after reading and hearing their several letters Covanant and articles of faith which ar the same as the Baptist covanant and articles of aith found in the Baptist denomination by L.C. Haynes, advize the Constitution of the church whereafor the same unaximously agreed to and signified by the breathrens giving to each other and the minister and deacon precisant the hand of fellowship after which prayer was offered in their behalf by the undersigned

                        Presbyterry                                                                                                                                               H.C. Crocker ord. minister

Names of Breathren in the Constitution

John W. Brown
H.C. Evans
Samuel M. Brown
Demie Tidwell
Zachariah Bell
Francis Roden
Elias Roden
Rheuben Brown
Robert Mays
Martha Brown
Elizabeth Evans
Sarah Evans
t Roden
Pheba ann Haris
J. Mays
Derinda Caroline Mays


The Church of Christ Worshiping at Antioch Church

M.D. Blank CC  "            "            "

Articles of Faith

1. of the Scriptures -----------------------We _______ the Holy Bible was written ______  devinely inspired and is a _______ of heavenlly instruction that _______ for its author salvation for its _____ truth without any mixture of eror ____ matter that it reveal the principles which God will judge us and therefore _____ and shal remain to the end of the u_____ the true centre of Christian union and the Supreme Standard by which all humans conduct creeds and opinions should be t_______

2.  of the True God ---------------------- We believe _____there is one and only one liveing and true _____ an infinite intelligent spirit whose name is Jehovah the maker and supreme ruler of Heaven and earth inexprssibly glorious in holiness and worthy of all possible honor con__ and love that in the unity of the Godheadther are three persons the father the son and the holy ghost equal in every devine prefection and executing distinct but harmonous offices in the great work of Redempiton

3.  Of The Fall of Man ----------------    We believe that man was created in holiness under the law of his maker but by volunteer transgression fell from that holy and happy State in consequence of which all mankind are now sinners not by constraint but chois be____ by nature utterly void of that holiness reqried by the law of God positively incline evil and therefor under just condemnation ______ Eternal ruin witout defence or excuse

4.   Of The Way of Salvation -----------------We Believe that the salvation of sinners is wholy of grace throug the mediatorial offices of the son of God who by the appointment of the father freely took upon Him our nature yet without sin honered the divine law by his personal obedience and by his death made a full atonement for our sins that having risen from the dead he is now Enthroned in Heaven and uniting in his wonderful person the tendered Sumpathies with divine perfections he is evry way qualified to be a suitable a compassionate and an all sufficient Saviour

5.    Of Justification ------------------------------We believe that the great gospel blessing wich Christ securs to such as believes in him is Justification that justification includes the pardon of sin and the promise of eternal Life on principles of righteousness -  that it is bestowed not in consideration of any works of righteousness which we have done but solely through faith in the redeemers blood by virtue of which faith his perfect righteousness is freely imputed to us of God that it brings us into a state of most blessed peace and favor with God and secures every other blessing needful for time and eternity

6.   Of the Freeness of Salvation ---------------We believe that the blessings of Salvation ur made free to all by the gospel that it is the immediate duty of all to accept them by a cordial penitent and obedient faith and that nothing prevents the salvation of the greatest sinner on earth but his own determined deferavity and voluntary rejection of the gospel which rejections involves him in an aggravated condemnation

7   Of Grace In Regeneration ------------------We believe that in order to be saved siners must be regenerated or born again that regeneration consist in giveing a holy disposition to the mind that it is afficted in a manner above our comprehension by the power of the holy spirit in connection with divine truth so as to secure our voluntary obedence appears in the holy fruits of repentance and faith and newness of life ---

8   Of Repentance And Faith --------------------We believe that repentance and faith are sacred duties and also inseparable graces wrought in our souls by the regenerating spirit of God whereby being deeply convinced of our guilt danger and helplessness and of the way of salvation by christ we turn to God with renfeigned contrition confession and suplication for mercy at the same time heartily receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as our prophet priest and King and relying on him alone as the only and all sufficient Saviour ----

Of Gods Purpose of Grace ------------------------ We believe that election is the eternal purose of God accorsing to which he graciously regenirats sanctifies and saves sinners that being perfectly consistent with the free angency of man it somprehends all the means in connection wit the end that is is a most glorious display of Gods sovererign goodness being infinitely free wise holy and unchangeable that it utterly excludes bousting and promotes humility love prayer praise trust in God and active imitation of his free mercy that it encourages the use of means in the highest degree that it may be aseertained by its effects in all who truly believe the gospel that it is the foundation of Christians assurance and that to ascertain it with regard to our selves demands and deserves the utmost diligence

10    Of Sanctification --------------------------- We believe that sanctification is the process by which according to the will of God we are made partakes of his holiness that it is a progress we work that it is begun in regeneration and that it is carried on in the hearts of believers by the presents and power of the Holy Spirit that seales and comforter in the continual use of the appointed means especially the word of God self examination self denial watchfulness and prayer

11   Of The Perseverance of Saints --------------We believe that such only are real bellieves as endure unto the end that their persverion attachment to Christ is the grand mark which destinguishes them from superficial professors that a  special providenc wathces over their welfare and they are kept by the poweer of God through faith unto Salvation

12   Of the Harmony of the Law and the Gospel --- We believe that the Law of God is the eternal and unchangeable rule of is moral goverment that it is holy just and good and that the inablity which the scriptures ascribe to fallen me, to fulfill its percepts arises entirely from their love of sin to deliver them from which and to restoration through a mediator to unfigured obedience to the holy law is one great end of the gospel and of the means of grace connected with the establishement of the visible church ----

13   Of  A  Gospel Church ----------------------------- We believe that a visible Church of Christ is a congregation of baptized believers associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the gospel observing the ordinances of Christ governed by his laws and exersining the gifts rights and privileges invested in them by his word that its only scriptural officers are bsihops or pastors and Deacons whose qualifications claims and duties are defined in the Epistles to Timothy and Titus

14    Of Baptism and The Lords Supper ------------ We believe that Christian Baptism is the immersion in water of a believer in the name of the father and son and holy ghost to show forth in a solemn and beautiful emblem our faith in the crucified buried and risen saviour with its effect in our death to sin and resurrection to a new life that it is pre requisite to the privileges of a church elation and to the lords supper in which the members of the church by the sacred use of bread and wine are to commemorate together the dying love of christ prededed always by solemn self examination -----

15   Of The Christian Sabbath -------------------------- We believe that the first day of the week is the Lords Day or Christian Sabbath and is to be kept sacred to religious purposes by ofstaining from all secular labor and sinful recreations by the devout observance of all the means of grace both private and public and by prpuration for that rest that remaineth for the people of God --------

16   Of Civil Government --------------------- We believe that Civil government is of devine appointment for the interest and good order of human society and that magistrates are to be prayed for coseientiously honored and obeyed except only in things opposed to the will of our lord Jusus christ who is the only lord of the conscience and the price of the Kings of the earth -----

17   Of The Righteous and The Wicked ------ We believe that there is a radical and essential difference between the righteous and the wicked that such only as trough faith are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus  and sanctified by the spirit of our God are truly righteous in his esteem while all such as continue in impenitence and unbelief are in his sight wicked and under the curse and this distinction holds among men both in and after death ------

18   Of the World To Come ----------------------We believe that the end of the world is approaching that at the last day Christ will secend from heaven and raise the dead from the grave to final retrebution that a solemn sepurtion will then take place that the wicked will be adjudged to endless punishment and the righteous to endless Joy and that this judgment will for forever the final state of men in heaven or hell on principles of righteousness ------


Having been as we trust brought by devine grace to embrace the Lord  Jesus Christ and to give ourselves up wholy to him we do now solemnly and joyfully covenant with each other to walk together in him with brotherly love to his glory as our common Lord and to the end that we may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. and that the glory of Christ may be manifested in the Salvation of men. It is our solemn purpose as God shal give us strength to exercise a mutual care as members on of another to promote the growth of the whole body in Christian knnowledge and true holiness and to let our light shine before the world. Particularly to uphold the public worship of God and the ordinances of his house by a regular attendance thereon to search diligently the sacred asrpturs to train our children and those under our care with a viewto the service of Christ and the enjoyment of heaven. To contribute cheerfully of our property for the support of the poor for the maintenance of a faithful minister of the gospel among us and for the spread of the gospel in all the earth to exhort and if accasion require to admonish one another in the spirit of meekness considering ourselves lest we also be tempted. To cheerfully submit to and conscientiously enforce the wholesome discipline of the church. Keeping ever the unity of the spirit in the bonds of peace and to endeavor by example and precept to teach transgressors the ways of that God whose we are and whome we serve. Remembering that as in baptism we have been buried with Christ and raised afain so there is on us a special obligation henceforth to wallk in newness of life and may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus the great shepherd of the sheep make us perfect in every good work to do his will working in us that which is well pleasing in his sighht through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever ---- Amen


Lavaca County Texas

Oct 13, 1866

Antioch Church after there organization sat in conference an

1   oportunity offered to persons desiering membership with the church

2   on motion the church proceded to Elect a pastor for the presant associatined year
H. Crocker was unaninously Elected and accepted the call --

3   on motion the church Elected unaminously Brother H.C. Evans to the office

4   on motion the church resolved to commune Quarterly

on motion adjourned

on Sabbath received Bro J. Tidwell by profession of faith, Bro. Wm. Dodd by letter

H.C. Crocker  MD
H.C. Evans, CC


Saturday before the third Lords day in November 1866 Antioch Church met and sat in conference

1  on opportunity offered to persons desiring membership with the church

2   References called for

3   on motion brother Wm. Dodd was set forward by the Church for ordaination to the work of the ministry

4   on motion the church called brethren Holland Gregory  & Lowdermilk to assis the pastor in the ordaination of Brother Dodd

5  on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans CC
H.C. Crocker MD



Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Dec. 1866 after a discourse by the paster the church sat in conference

1   usual invatations given

2   References call for on motion adjourned

On Sabbath the church sat in conference

1   on motion brotheer King being present was called to assist brethern Loudermilk and Crocker in the ordination of brother Dodd. Which after consideration was posponed until our next regular meeting

2   On motion the church called breathren King  Lowdermilk   Holland  Gregory  Stephen & Crocker  to examine brother Wm. Dodd for the purpose of setting him forword in the ministerial work of the gospel

3   On motion adjourned

H.C. Evans  CC
H. Crockeer MD

On brother Kings meeting the week following brother George Clair was receive by restoration nd his wife sister A.M. Clair by letter

Elizabeth Castel by restoration

brother Josepr Haris [Harris] by profession of faith

sister Samantha Haslery by profession of faith


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met on Saturday before the third Sabbath in January 1867 preaching by brother Lowdermilk after which the church met in conference

Art 1st usual invitation given

2  the minutes of the two last conferences read and adopted

3 refferences called for part of the presbytery called for to assist in the ordaination of brother Dodd being being present after some deliberation the case was posponed indifinitely

4 the report of the building committee was read and on motion receives and sdopted as follows

Report of com on building a house of worship for Antioch church -- your committee to whom was referd to locate and fix the stile and size of a house of worship beg leave to report that we find the best situation on the east side of the Lavaca River at it's junction with Brushey Cr and alsom  that a house 18 by 26 ft is the most expedient size that we can build at presnt and that the stile be a California box frame with 2 windows on each side and one in the end of the pulpit and one large door in the other end with doubble shutters

There being no other business dismissed in order

H.C. Evans  CC                                                                                                             H.Crocker MD



The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met on Saturday before the third Sabbath in March 1867

Preaching by the pastor after  which the church met in conference

Art 1 Usual invitations given sister V.J. Williams came forword and was received by profession of faith

2 References called for on motion adjourned

 H.C. Evans CC
H.Crocker MD


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met on Saturday before  the third Sabbath in April 1867 preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

Art 1 Usual invitation given

2 the minutes of January was read and motion received and adopted

3 references called for

4 on motion the church granted brother Wm Dodd a letter of dismission

5 on motion  the church granted brother Robert Mays and his wife sister Margaret J. Mays letters of dismissions

on motion adjourned

 H.C. Evans CC
H.Crocker MD

on Sabbath sister V.J. Williams was baptised


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met on Saturday before the third Sabbath in May 1867

Preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

At 1     usual invitations given  brother A.B. Williams came forward and was received by profession of faith

2            the 2 last minuts was read and on motion recived and adopted

3            refferences calld for

4            on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans  CC
Crocker   MoG

on Sabbath following brother A.B. Williams was baptised


The Baptist Church at Antioch met on Saturday before the third Sabbath in  June 1867

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

Art 1      usual invitation given

2            the minutes of May was  read and on motion received and adopted

3            references calld for

4            on motion the church resolved that at our next meeting to elect someone for the purpose filing the office of a deacon

5            on motion adjourned

  H.C. Evans   CC
H. Crocker MD


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met on Saturday before the third Sabbath in July 1867

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

Art 1       usual invitations given Brother E.M. Slaughter an ordained deacon and sister Vina Slaughter came forward and was received by letter

2            Brother A.B. Williams apointed clerk pro

3            refferences called for and the chois of a deacon laid over til our next regular conference

4            brother Bell made a satisfactory acknowledgement for having drank to mutch whiskey

5            on motion sister Derinda Mayes was granted a letter of dismission

6            on motion the church agreed to petition for admittance in the Colorado Association

7             on motion brother A.B. Williams H.C. Evans  and Ruben Brown wer elected deligates to the association

on motion adjourned

A.B. Williams         C pro
H. Crocker            MD


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met on Saturday before the third Sabbath in Augus 1867

Preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

Art 1       usual invitations given

2            brother A.B. Williams apointed clerk pro

3            refferences called for --- the election of a deacon laid over til the next conference

4            petitoonary to the association read and on motion received and adopted 

5            on motion the church proceeded to elect a pastor for the next associational yeaar Elder H.Crocker unanimously elected and ackcepted the care of the church

on motion adjourned

A.B. Williams c pro                                                                                                             H Crocker     MD



The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met on saturday before the third sabbath in October 1867

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

Art 1      usual invitation given

2            the minutes of the 3 last conferences read on motion recived and adopted

3            refferences called for the church proceeded to elect Brother A.B. Williams to fill the office of a deacon ----

4            on motion the church called brethern Lowdermilk   Holland and Gregory to assist the pastor in the ordaination of Brother Williams           

5            on motion the church appointed a committee on divine servis to wit
Brother Elias Roden   Rueben Brown  J. Tidwell being the committee

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans   CC
H.Crosker  M D



The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met on Saturday before the third sabbath in November 1867

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

Art 1       usual invitation given

2            refferences called for the ordination of Brother Williams laid over til our next conference

3            A committee was appointed to see Brother Robert Mays and wife and daughter for them to answeer the complaint against them for dancing and having dancing in their house to wit Elias Roden  Rheuben Brown J. Tidwell was appointed

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans  CC
H Crocker MD


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met aon Saturday before the third sabbath in January 1868

preaching by brother pots afte which the church met in conference

Art 1      usual invitations given

2            the inutes of October and November read on motion received and adopted

3            refferences called for --- Brothers Williams ordination continued   Brother Robert Mays and wife and sister Derinda Mayses cas continued til our next confernece

on motion to adjourned

on Sunday part of the presbytery being present Brother Williams was ordainded received by the church as hoolding the office of a deacon

H.C. Evans  C  C
H.Crocker MD


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met on Saturday before the third sabbath in Febrauary 1868

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

Art 1       usual invitaitons given

2            the last minute read on motion recedi and adopted

3            refferences called for  --- the committee appointed to see brother Mays and wife and sister Derinda Mays reported

4            on motion the church received the report and releases the committee

5            on motion the church excluded brother Robbert Mays  for continuing to have dancing at his house

6            on motion the church for give sister Mays for having dancing also sister Derinda for dancing

on motion adjourned

 H.C. Evans CC
H Crosker MD


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the third sabbath in March 1868

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference


1            usual invitaitons given

2            the last minutes read received and adopted

3            refferences called for

on motion adjourned

H.C.Evans  CC
H Crocker  MoG


The Baptist Church of christ at Antioch met Saturday before the  third sabaath in April 1868

preaching by the pastor after which the churh met inconference

Art 1      usual invitations given

2            the last minutes  read received and adopted

3            refferences called for

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans  CC
H.Crocker   MD

The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the third sabbath in May 1869

preaching by the pastor after which he church met in conference

1            usual invitations given

2            the last minutes ead and received and adopted

3            refferences called for

4            on motion the church granted brother H.C. Evans the privaleg of exercising in public

5            on motion the church granted brother E.M. Slaughter and his wife sister Vina Slaughter letters of dismission

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans CC
H Crocker  MD


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the third Sabbath in June 1868

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in confernece

1            usual invitations given Brother Thos. B. Clar and is wife sister A.E. Clar came forward and was received by letter

2            the last minutes read received and adopted

3            refferences called for

4            on motion the churdh grantd brother H.C. Evans licents to preach or exercide in public

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans   CC
H. Crocker   MD


The Baptist Chruch of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the third sabbath in July 1868

preaching by the pastor after which  the church met in confernece

Art1       usual invitaitons given sister E. Rusler came forward and was received by restoration

2            the last minutes read on motion received and adopted

3            refferences calld for

4            on motion the church withdrew her fellowsip from sister Gold breath on account of her attaching herself to an other organization

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans  CC
H.Crockeer   MD

The Baptist Chruch of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the third sabbath in August 1868

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in coferrence

1            usual invitations given

2            the last minutes read recived and adopted

3            refferences calld for

4            on motion the church elected breathren H.C. Evans --- E. Roden --- R. Brown as messengers to the Colorado Association

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans  CC
H. Crocker   MD



The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the third sabbath in September 1868

after an able sermon by elder McDonald conference was called by the pastor the brother clerk being absent on motion T.B. Clare was apointed clerk pro

1            usual invitations given

2            refferences called for  --- brotheeer Crocker the presented and read a letter for the considertion of the church

3            on motion it was received and adopted as a report fromt this church  to the Colorado Association

4            on motion te church proceeded to call a pastor for the next year which resulted in the unaniomoous call of Brother Crocker

 on motion adjourned

T.B. Clare   C por
H. Crocker   MD


on Saturday night brother John Rusler came forward and was received in profession of faith

The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd sabbath in October 1868

after preaching by brother McDonal the church met in confernece te pastor being absen brother McDonal was apointed to act as MD pro

1            usual invitations given

2            refferences called for

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evanns   CC
Elder McDonal  MD pro


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the tird sabbath November 1868

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in confernece

1            usual invitaions given

2            the 3 last minutes read on motion and adopted

3            refferences cald for

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans  CC
H.Crocker   MD


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met the 3tt sabbath in Dec 1868

after preaching by te pastor the church met in conference

1            usual invitations given

2            the lst minutes read on motion and adopted

3            refferences called for

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans    CC
H.Crocker    MD


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the third sabath in February1869

praching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

1            usual invitations given

2            the last minutes read on motion wre recived and adopted

3            refferences called for  ---  on motion the granted brother George Clair and his wife sister            A.M. Clair letters of dismission

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans  CC
H.Crocker  MD



The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the third sabbath March 1869

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

1            usual invitations given

2            the last minutes read recived and adopted

3            refferences called for

4            on moton the church agreed to her the reading of the church covenant

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans  CC
H.Crocker       MD



The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the third day of Aprile 1869

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in cofenerce

1            usual invitation given --- brother L.L. Squires cme forward and was received by letter

2            the last minutes read on motion received and adopted

3            refferences called for

4            on motion the case of brother John W. Brown being charged of swearing was taken up

5            on motion after some deliberations the church agreed to withdraw her fellowship from brother Brown

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans  CC
H.Crocker       MD


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the third sabbath in May 1869

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in confernece

1            usual invitations given

2            the last minute read on motion read and adopted

3            refferences called for

on motion adjourned

on sunday sister E.E.Garman came forward and was received by letter

H.C. Evans  CC
H.Crocker       MD

The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the third sabbath in June 1869

after preaching by brother L.L. Squires the church met in conference

1            usual invitations given

2            the last minutes read received and adopted

3            refferences calld for

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans  CC
L.L. Squires  MD pro



The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the third sabbath in July 1869

preaching by brother L.L. Squires after which the church met in conference

1            usual invitations given

2            the last minutes read on motion received and adopted

3            refferences called for

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans  CC
H.Crocker       MD



The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the third sabath in May 1870

Preaching by the pastor after which te church met in conference

1            usual invitaions given

2            the last minutes read on motion received and adopted

3          reference callded for

4            on motion the appointed Brother Y. Rustler to act as committee on ____ service with brother A.J. Tidwell and brother R. Brown

5            on motion the church granted Brother L.L. Squires a letter of desmission

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans  CC
H. Crocker      MD

The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the third sabbath in August 1870

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in confernece

1            usual invitations given

2            the last minutes read on motion received and adopted

3            references called for

4            on motion the church appointed Brethen H.C. Evans   T.B. Clair  J. Rusler as messengers to the Colorado Association

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans  CC
H.Crocker       MD


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the third Sabath in September 1870. 

preaching by the pastor after which the Church met in conference

1            usual invitations given

2            the last minutes read on motion read  and adopted.

3            references called for the clerk then presented and read a letter for the consideration of the church

4            on motion it was received and sdopted as a report from the church to the Colorado Association.

5            on motion the church called Brother Crocker as their pastor and he accepted the care of the church

6            on motion the church withdrew her fellowship frm brother Zacharia Bell for having united himself with another denomination

7            on motion Brother H.C. Evans was set forward by the church for ordination

8            on motion the Church called Brethren Gregory   Thetford Farington to assist the pastor in the ordaining of Brother H.C. Evans to the Ministry

on motion adjourned

H.C. Evans  CC
H.Crocker       MD


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the third Sabbath in Nov 1870

Preaching by the pastor after which the Church met in Conference

1            usual invitations given

2            the last minute read on miton received and adopted

3            references caled for part of  the Presbytery Called for to ordain Brother H.C. Evans was presnet and proceeded as follows Lavaca County   Texas  Nov 19th 1870

We the undersidhned met according to a request of Antioch Church for the purpose of ordaining Bro H.C. Evans to the gospel ministry  and organized the Presbytery by Caling Elder H.Crocker to the Chair and T.C. Thetford presentation of Bible and Charge by A.H. Framington Hand fellowship ectended by the Presbytery and followed by the Church Presbytery

H. Crocker
T.C. Thetford
A.H. Farington

on motion adjourned

  Jno Rusler              CC



The Baptist Church of christ at Antioch met Wednesday after the 4th Sabbath in January 1871

Preaching by the pastor after which the Church met in Conference

1            usual invitations given

2            Bro H.C. Evans caled for a Church leter which was grante of dismisson

3            Bro Jno Rusler was elected Church Clerk

On motion adjourned     

H.Crocker       MD
Jno Rusler  CC



The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch me Saturday before the third Sabbath in February 1871

Preaching by the Pastor after which the church met in conference

1            usual invitation given

2            the last minutes read on motion recived and adopted

3             references called for

4            on motion the Church redeived and agreed to finish house that was built for a Church and             School House after which Bro. H. Crocker appointed Broths T.C. Clair Jno Rusler and Mr. L P Jones to asct as trustee in receiving and finishing the said house                                                                                                                                                                       

H. Crocker            MD

on motion adjourned

Jno. Rusler  CC


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met saturday before the third Sabbath March 1871           

Preaching by the Pastor after which the church met in conference

1            usual invitation given

2            the last minutes read on motion received and adopted

3            references dalled for

H. Crocker            MD

on motion adjourned

Jno. Rusler  CC


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabaath in April 1871

Preaching by the Pastor after which the Church me in conference

1            usual invitations given

2            the last minutes read on miton recived and adopted

3          references called for                                    H Crocker            MD

on motion adjourned

Jno. Rusler  CC



The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in May 1871   

Preaching by the Pastor after which the church met in conference

1           usual invitations given

2          the last minutes read  on motion received and adopted

3          references called for

on motion adjourned

H. Crocker            MD
Jno. Rusler  CC


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met saturday befor the 3rd sabbath in June 1871

Preaching by the pastor after which the Church met in /confernece

Visiting Brethren invited to seats with us

1            usual invitations given

2            the last minutes read on motion received and adopted

3            references called for

on motion adhourned

H.Crocker       MD
Jno. Rusler  CC

The Baptist church of christ at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in August  1871           

Preaching by the Pastor after which the Church met on conference visiting

Brethern invited to seats with us

1st            usual invitations given           

2nd            the last minutes read on motion received  and adopted

3rd            references called for

4th            on motion Breathern T.C. Clare A.J. Tidwell R. Brown were duly eledted as Messengers to the Colorado Association

on motion adjourned                                         

H. Crocker            MD
Jno. Rusler

on the  following Sabbath sister Lucinda Slaughter came forward and was received in full fellowship by recommendation



The Baptist Churh of Christ at Antioch met saturday before 3rd Sabbath in Sept 1817

Preaching by the Pastor after which the church met in Conference

1st            usual invitation given

2nd            the clerk being absent, Bro A.J. Tidwell was chosen Clerk protem

3rd            the minutes of last conference read and adopted

4th            refference caled for

5th            Nu busniss called for Sister Martha Hasley requested a letter of dismission which on motion was granted

on motion adjourned                                                                                                                                                                                  

H.Crocler  MD
Jno Rusler  CC


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch 3rd sabbath in November 1871

Sister Ann Jones was received by letter on full fellowship of the church

Jno. Rusler  CC


The Baptist church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Dec. 1871           

Preaching by the Pastor after which the Church met in conference visiting Brethern invited to seats with us

1st            usual invitations given

2nd            the last minutes read on motion received and adopted

3rd            refferences called for                                              

on motion adjourned

H.Crocker       MD
Jno Rusler     CC

The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met /Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Jan 1872

Preaching by the pastor after which the Church met in conference visiting brethren invited to seats with us           

1            usual invitations given

2            the last minutes read on motion received and adopted

3            refferences called for

on motion adjourned

H. Crocker            MD
Jno. Rusler  CC

To met on the evening of the same day sister Irene Roden was received by letter in full fellowship of the church

Jno. Rusler  CC



The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in February 1872   

Preaching by our beloved Brother P.J. Loudermilk after which the church met in conference visiting Brethren invited to seats with us

1            usual invitations given           

2            the last minutes read on motion received and adopted

3            references called for

on motion adjourned

Jno. Rusler  CC
H. Crocker            MD

On the following Sabbath Sister Louisa Millburn was received by letter in full fellowship of the Church. Also Sister Sarah Moore came forward and made a profession of faith and the hand of congradulation was extended to her and time set for baptism the 3rd  Sabbath in March 9 oclock in the morning

Jno. Rusler  CC


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday  before the 3rd Sabbath in March 1872

preaching by the Pastor after which the church met in conference visting brethren invited to seats with us

1            usual invitations given  when Brother E.F. Matthews and sister Marg Matthews his wife came forward  and were received by letter in full fellowship of the Church

2            the last minutes red on motion received and adopted           

3            references called for           

on motion adjourned

Jno. Rusler            CC
H. Crocker            MD

The Baptism of Sister Moore being put off on accont of unfavorerable weather until the next regular meting           

JR            CC



The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in June 1872   

Preaching by the Pastor after which the Church met in conference visting brethren invitd to seats with us            

1            usual invitation given

2            the last minutes read on motion received and adopted

3rd         references called for the ordination of Brother E.F. Matthew was put off until the 2nd Sabbath in July and Saturday before

on motion adjourning                   

H.Crocker       MD
Jno. Rusler  CC

The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath on July 1872

Preaching by the pastor after which the church met in confernece visiting

Brethren invited to seats with us

1            usual invitations given

2            last minutes read on motion received and adopted            

3            references called for the ordination of Brother E.F.Mathew being called to Elder Brother Farington being present for that business

on motion adjourned

Jno Rusler  CC
H Crocker            MD

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath on August 1872

preaching by the pastor afer which the Church met in conference visting Brethren invited to seats with us

1            usual invitation given

2            the Church went into an election for delegates to the Association Brethren Jno Rusler R. Brown T.B. Clair was duly elected and the Associational letter ordered to be wrote

3            refferences caled for

on motion adjourned

Jno Rusler  CC
H Crocker            MD    

(this page is the Assocaiioal letter written for August 1872, found loose toward the back of the Church Clerk book)

State of Texas
County of Lavaca

The Baptist church worshiping at Antioch to the members and messengers composing the Colorado Association to convene with the Church at Salem

Dear Brethren we are glad that in the good Providence of God we are permitted to meet you  by letter on delegates again we have nothing of special interest to communicate more than we are at Peace with ourselves and are trying to worship God regularly we have had Pastoral labors of our

Beloved Brother H. Crocker our time of meeting is on the 3rd Sabbath and Saturday before in each month Beloved Brethren we have had your missionary Brother J.J. Loudermilk with us whose labors were very acceptable  and we believe we're instrumental in doing good there was at that time 25 or 30 dollars subscribed for missionary  purposes since which time we have erected a suitable house of worship causing us to be unable to do more at present for the missionary work

For further particulars we refer you to brethren Jno. Rusler R. Brown T.B. Clare whom we have chosen as our delegates to sit with you in your adversary counsel

                        By whom we send $2.90 for Printing of minutes

                        The Statistical account is as follows:

                        By Baptism

                        By Letter

                        Dismissed                                      None

                        Dead                                              None

                        Total Membership               56



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath in sept 1872

preaching by the pastor after which the Church met in conference

visiting Brethren invited to seats with us

1               usual invitations given

2               the asscoiational letter being read was received by the church on Saturday evening and Sabbath we had the Labours of J.J. Loudermilk and D.R. Gregory           

3               references called for

on motion adjourned

Jno. Rusler CC
H. Crocker            MD


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Nov 1872

preaching by the pastor Brother h. Crocker after which the church met in conference visting brethren invited to seats with us           

1            usual invitaiton given

2            refference called for whereupon the Church went to an election for the pastor of the church for the ensuing year. Brother J.T. Cook was unanianously elected to the care of the Church Brethren Brown and Rusler was called upon to notify Brother Cook of his call to the care of the church

on motion adjourned

Jno. Rusler  CC
H. Crocker            MD

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Jan 1873

Preaching by elder J.T. Cook

1      on motion T.B. Clare was appointed clerk pro tem after which the Church met in conference

2      visiting brethren visiting invited to seats to aid us in our deliberations on motion it was resolved that this church pas a resolution to prohibit the members from selling spiritous liquor on motion it was resolved that the Church pas a resolution to create  a Sabbath School on a firm bases

on motion adjourned

J. D. Cook   MD

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Febuary 1873

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1            on motion that church pased resolution that members be prohibited from making and selling spirituous liquors 

2            on motion the church granted brother and sister Matthew letters fro the church

3            references called for                                                                                                                                               

on motion adjourned

J.D. Cook   MD
Jno Rusler  CC

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in March 1873

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visiting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations            

1            usual invitations given

2            letters wrote for Brother and sister Mathew and delivered to them           

3            references called for

on motion adjourned

J Rusler  CC
J.D. Cook            Md


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in April 1873

preaching by the Brother Crocker after which the church met in conference visiting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations            

1            usual invitations giveon motion adjourned

J.Rusler           CC
J.D. Cook   MD

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in May 1873

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations            

1            usual invations given           

2            references called for           

3            on motion the resoultions that was passed concerning a Sunday School was annuled

4            Brother Cook was to call in aid to assist him in the meting pratract to be held at Antioch in June

on motion adjourned

J. Rusler  CC                                                                                                     J.D. Cook   Md     


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in June 1873

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations            

1            usual invitations given           

2          refferences caled for to witon the following Sabbath affter preaching,  Sister Martha Claire came forward and was received by letter in full fellowship of the church after which the church Communed

on motion adjourned

J. Rusler  CC
J.D. Cook   Md


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in July 1873

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations            

1            usual invitations given           

2            references Elder H.Crocker preached Saturday night also the funeral of Bro. Meeks and Mr Jas Clare and sister Martha Clares held the meeting . Lasted 5 days during the time following person joined the church.

Brother W.A. Bell
B. Zach Bell
Brother J.W. Brown
sister M.L. Crawford
sister Theadocia Hogan
Bro L.O Lard
sister Marge A. Lar

by Baptism
sister Mary M Garmon
S maggie Wilburn
Bro.George Green
Bro Stephen Garmon
Bro T.J. Levirgoa
Bro J.J. Bell
Sister  Fannie
sister Ella Brown
Bro W.J. Jarvis
Broth G.W. Wilburn
Brot Elias Moore               

the church recinded the act of granting Brother and sister Matthew letter from the church by there request

on Wednesday afternoon the clerk called the attention of the Congreation a agreement that Brother Ethridge come and Labored with us and we should recompense him for it a collection  taken up to the amount of $7.20 tere was good congreation and good behavior all the time as has been in the state   

on motion adjourned

J. Rusler  CC                                                                                                 J.D. Cook   Md

to wit on 4 sunday after preaching by Elder D.R. Gregory sister Mary  Rusler was recd. by letter in full fellowsip of the church

J.R.             CC


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in August 1873

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1            usual invitations given           

2            on motion the Clerk was called on to read the Articles of Faith and Church covenant

next rool was called on motion the church went into an election for delegates to go to the Association to be held at  New bethel Church whereupon the following members recived  a majority of votes Brethern E.F. Matthews            A.J.  Tidwell            R. Brown            

on motion the church went into an election for Pastor for the next year whereupon Brother cook was unamimously chosen to the care of the church

Brother Cook agreeing to answer the church at the next regular meeting the church was caled on to make up a small amount for minutes and the clerk was ordered to prepared the Association letter by next meeting           

on motion adjourned

                        J. Rusler  CC                                                                                           Eld. J.D. Cook            MD


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in September1873

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations            

1            usual invitation given           

2            the associtional letter was read and recd by the church           

3            Eld  J.P. Cook agreed to supply the Church as Pastor for the next year  1874

                       on motion adjourned

J.Rusler           CC                                                                                              Eld             J.D. Cook   MD


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath in October1873            preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations           

1          usual invitations given            

2            taking the sacrement was put off on account of sickness til the third Sabbath in Dec

on motion adjourned

J.Rusler           CC
Eld. J.D. Cook            MD


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in December 1873

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations            

1          usual invitations given           

2            Elder Cook not being present taking the sacrement was put of til the 3rd Sabbath in Jan 1874           

3            the being informed of sister Slaughter dancing on motion a committee was a appointed to see sister Slaughter and report at next meeting  Brethren R. Brown  T.B. Clare

                        on motion adjourned

J.Rusler           CC
Elder McDonald            MD


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in January 1874

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations            

1            usual invitations given           

2            the committe to wait on sister Slaughter reported and were discharged case taken  up charge dancing case derfered to next meeting            Brother A.J. Tidwell Z.G. Bell   comtee to see her on motion church went in to and electon for two deacons Brethren T. J. Livirgood and Z.G. Bell were elected

3            resolution pased to prayer meeting at the church 1st Sabbath on each month at 2 o clock            Brethren McDonald Fraington Crocker and Perry invited to join a Presbystery to wit on the following Sabbath

Letters of dismission were granted to Brother and sister Lard and sister Theadeau Hogan from the church

                       on motion adjourned       

                        J.Rusler           CC                                                                                                                               elder J.D. Cook            MD


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in February 1874

reaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations            

1            usual invitatins given           

2            the comittee on Sister Slaughter case reported recived and restored committee discharged a letter from Navidad Church was read after some little debate it was laid over til mext meeting Elder McDonald preached Saturday night and Sabbath at ten oclock            

Sabbath morning the Presbytery being ready Brethrens T.J. Livergood and Z.G. Bell were ordained as deacons of the Church

                        on motion adjourned

                        J. Rusler  CC                                                                                                    Eld  J.D. Cook            Md


                        The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in April 1874           

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf                

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations            

1            usual invitation given           

2            Sister Slaughter her acknowledgement by Brother Mathen which was received and restored to the Church

                        on motion adjourned

                        J.Rusler           CC                                                                                            Eld.  J.P. Cook            MD

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in May 1874           

preaching by Eld McDonald after which the church met in conf                

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1            usual invitations given

2          to wit on the following Sabbath Sarah Harris came dorward and was recd. by the Church and the hand of Christian fellowship extended time st for baptism next regular meeting

                        on motion adjourned

                        J. Rusler  CC                                                                                          Eld. McDonald            MD


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in June1874

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1           usual invitations given

2          on the following Sabbath sister Sarah Harris was Baptized while at the waters edge  _____  Wellborn came forward and was received and baptized  

right hand of fellowhip was extended saame day at the Church

                        on motion adjourned

                        J. Rusler  CC                                                                                                                               Eld. J.P. Cook MD


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in July1874           

preaching by Elder H. Crocker after which the church met in conf                

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1           usual invitations given

2          charge prefered against Sister Lucinda Slaughter for dancing on motion the Chruch withdrew her fellowship from Mrs. Slaughter

                        on motion adjourned

                        E.F, Matthew  clk  Protem                                            

                        Eld. H. Crocker            MD


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in August 1874

preaching by Elder Geo. May J.P. Cook and Lee Green after which the church met in conference  visting Brethren invited to seats with us to orders in our deliberations            

1            usual invitations given

2            on election was held to elect to the Colorado Association to be held at Antioch Church Lavaca County commencing Friday before the 3 Sabbath in October 1874 where upon Brethren W.A. Bell E. F. Mathew and T. J. Livirgood were unamanomsley elected as delegates to the association

4            on motion and election was held for pastor of church for the next year   Elder J.P. Cook being unanamousley rlected will answer the Church next meeting  the meeting lasted one week during the time there were (14) accessions to the Church 2 by letter 12 by baptism there name are as follows :           

Bro J.S. Carlisle
Catharine Cole by letter
W.R. Garmon
Hull Tombs
Ben Harless
Mary Carlisle
Ann Harmon
Manda Garmon
Manda Bishop
S.J. Rusler
Louis Wallace
Betty Levergood
Lucinda Cole
Fannie Green 

good Congreations all the time

good attention all the time

on motion adjourned

J.D. Cook   MD
Jno. Rusler  CC


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in September 1874           

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations            

2          Eld J.P. Cook agreed to serve Antioch Church the next year 1875 for one hundred dollars the same being subscribed payable at the end of the year

3            they went in elction for treasurer and Clerk of the Church where upon Brother Jno Rusler was unamamously elected Clerk and treasurer of Antioch church

on motion adjourned

                        Jno. Rusler  CC                                                                                                J.D Cook   MD


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in November1874

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations            

1           usual invitationsgiven           

2          last minutes read and adopted           

3          brother Tidwell called for a letter for himself and wife the granting Brother Tidwell a letter from the church was ladi over til next confernece letters were granted to Sister Tidwell and Sister Easter Jones

on motion adjourned

                        Jno. Rusler  CC                                                                                      J.D Cook   MD



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in December1874

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1            usual invitations given           

Recinded the act of granting Sister Tidwell a letter the case of Brother Tidwell caling for a letter was dropped

on mtion adjourned

                       Jno. Rusler  CC                                                                                       J.D. Cook   MD

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Jan 1875

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1            usual invitations given

On motion adjourned

                        Jno. Rusler  CC                                                                                      J.D. Cook   MD


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in February1875

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1            usual invitations given

2            last minutes read recd. and adopted

on motion adjourned

J.D. Cook   MD
John Rusler  CC


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in March1875

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1            usual invitations given

2            last minutes read recd. and adopted

3            on the following Sabbath Brethren A.B. and Sister J. Williams Came forward  and was recd. by letter in full fellowship   by the Church

on motion adjourned

Eld. J.D. Cook            MD
Jno. Rusler  CC


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in April 1875

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1            usual invitations given

2            last minute readrecd. and adopted

3            on motion a committee appointed to visit Sisters Amanda Cole and Sisters Catherine Cole with regard to unchristian conduct

Report next meeting Committee Brothers R. Brown W.A. Bell      A.J. Tidwell

on motion adjourned

Eld J.D. Cook            MD
Brother E. F. Matthew            Clerk Pro tem


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in May1875

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1            usual invitations given

2            last minute read recd. and adopted Sisters Catherine Cole and Amanda Cole made the necessary acknowledgement and were restored

4            Brother C.H. Crawfords Church letter was read and he was recd in full fellowship in the church

5            Brother James Bingham was recd by letter in full fellowship on the following Sabbath Sister Elizabeth Bell was recd. in full fellowship in the church

                       on motion adjourned

Eld. J.D. Cook                    MD
Jno. Rusler  CC


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in June 1875

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1            usual invitations given

2            last minutes read recd. and adopted

on motion adjourned

Eld. J.D. Cook                    MD
Jno. Rusler  CC


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in July1875

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1            usual invitations                   given

2            last minutes read recd. and adopted

on motion adjourned

Eld J.D. Cook            MD
Jno Rusler  CC



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in August1875

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1            usual invitations given

2            last minutes read recd. and sdopted during the meeting Nancy Bingham came forward and was recd. by the church and the right hand of congradulation extended to her baptising put off til next meeting

on motion adjourned

Eld. J.D. Cook            MD
Jno Rusler  CC


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Sept1875

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1            usual invitations given

2            last minute read and adopted on motion went into election for delegates Brethren A.B. Williams J.J. Bell and T.J. Livergood elected alternates E.F. Mathew T.B. Clare    on motion went into election for pastor Brother John Ashew elcected

letters of dimission was granted to the following persons   Brothern R. Brown    Sister Martha Brown    Sister Ella Brown & Sister Amanda Bishop

on motion adjourned

Eld J.D, Cook            MD
T.J. Livergood C. Clerk   pro  tem



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in October 1875

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conf

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1            usual invitations                   given

2            the associational letter read and received Sister Nancy Bingham was baptised on Sunday money for Associational purposes collected $4.15

Eld. J.D. Cook            MD
T.J. Livergood            CC pro   tem


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in November1875         

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

1            visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

2            usual invitations given

3            last minutes read and adopted

on motion adjourned

Eld J. Askew             MD
John Rusler CC



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in December  A.D.1875       

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

1            usual invitations given

2            last minutes read and adopted

3            on motion the church withdrew hur wacheare from J.Carlile & Mrs. Catherine Cole, Lucinda Cole was turnd out of the church for un Christian Conduct, Brother John Rusler asked the Church to receive his resignation as C.C. Request granted. Our Beloved Pastor John Askew and his wife Sister, S.H. Askew was received into the church in full fellowship. Letters of dismission was granted to Brother Stevens & Sister Ann Gormon  

on mtion adjourned

Jno. Askew MD
Jno. Rusler  CC



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in January 1876   

preaching by Brother J.P. Cook after which the church met in conference

1            last minutes read and adopted

2            visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

3            Letter was granted to Brother John Rusler & Sister E.M. Rusler.

              Sister Marry Sister Shartott & Sister Sarah Jane Rusler

on motion the church went into Election for CC for which T.J. Livergood was Elected

on motion adjourned

T.J. Livergood                                                                                                        John Askew
CC                                                                                                                               MD



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Febrauary1876         

preaching by the pastor

after which the church met in conference

1            minutes  of Last Meeting read and adopted

2            was moved and seekoned that one member be apoointed to vist Brother Stevens, Garmom and Sister Mary Garmon sister Louise Wallace & Sister Elizabeth Lawrance to notify them to appear at our next meeting to answer for this un Christian conduct the charges against them was dancing

on motion adjourned

                        C.H. Crawford                                                                                           Jno Askew MD
CC                   portem                                                                                                                                                                        


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in March1876    

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

1            usual invitations given

2            visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

3            last minutes read and adopted

refferances call for

The committee that was appointed to see Brother Steven Garmom and others not present the matter laid over

                                    on motion adjourned

T.J. Livergood                                                                                       Eld John Askew
CC                                                                                                                 MD



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in April1876

preaching by the pastor

after which the church met in conference

1            usual invitations given

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

last minutes read and adopted

The Church withdrew hur membership from Sister Elizabeth Lawrence  & Brother Steven Garmom Brothers A.B. Williams C.H. Crewford & W.A Bell

Appointed a committee to vist Sister Lois Wallace and Meary Garmom on account of the unchristian conduct

on motion adjourned

T.J. Livergood                    CC
John Askew MD



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in May1876

preaching by the pastor

after which the church met in conference

1            usual invitations given

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

last minutes read and adopted

Refferences called for

The church withdrew her membership from sister Louise Wallace & Mary Garmom

On motion the Church prefered charges against Brother Rusler for using profane language, Borther A.J. Tidwell A.B. Williams & A.J. Livergood appointed as a committee to enquire into the conduct of John Rusler    

T.J. Livergood            CC                                                                                                       Jno. Askew MD



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in July1876 

preaching by the pastor

after which the church met in conference

1            usual invitations given

visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

last minutes read and adopted

refferences called for

on mtion the Church recinded the charges that was prefered against Brother Jno Rusler

on motion adjourned

T.J. Livergood             CC                                                            Eld            John Askew MD



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in August1876   

preaching by the pastor

after which the church met in conference

1            usual invitations given

last minutes read and adopted

on motion adjourned

T.J. Livergood                                                                                                             Jno. Askew
CC                                                                                                                                MD



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in September1876         

preaching by the pastor

after which the church met in conference

1            usual invitations given

2            visting Brethren invited to seats with us to act in our deliberations

3            last minutes read and adopted

4            refferences called for

On motion went into Election for Pastor Brother J.D. Cook elected

On motion went into Election for Delegates Brother Jno. Askew W. Jarars & Brother A.B. Williams was elected

by permission of the church Brother Z.G. Bell resign/ withdrew his deaconship from the Church

on motion adjourned

T.J. Livergood CC                                                                                                       Jno Askew MD



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath in October 1876           

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference visiting brethren invited to seates with us usual invitations given

1            last minet red and adopted

2          the Associational leter red and adopted  Collection taken up for minets Amounts $3.00   on motion The church went into alelection for                   Pastor which Brother John Askew was unianmestly elected on motion adjourned

John Askew MD
A.B. Wiliams            CC



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath in March1877

preaching by Brother Loudermilk after which the church set in conference on motion Brother Loudermilk act as MD

1            usual invitations given

2            on motion The church went into and Election for Pastor resulted in the Choice of Brother Loudermilk Whch Brother Loudermilk accepted the call for the Remainder of the Assoicaitonal year

on motion the time of our meeting be changed from 3 to the 2 Sabbath and Saturday before in each month

on motion adjourned                                                                                                        

J. P. Loudermilk            MD
A.B. Williams                      CC



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath in April 1877 

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

1            usual invitations given

2            last minutes read and adopted

3            Reference called for

on motion adjourned

              J.P. Loudermilk            MD A.B. Williams            CC



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath in May 1877 

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

1            usual invitations given

2            last minutes read and adopted

3            Reference called for

on motion adjourned

              J.P. Loudermilk            MD

                        A.B. Williams            CC


On Sunday folwing the funeral of Mrs. Smith  was preached by rother J.P. Loudermilk after which an oportunity oferd for membership Julus Smith presented him self for membership and was received by the Church for Baptism



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met in conference the 2nd Sabbath in June 1877 

1            isiting members invited to seats with  us to aid in our deliberations preaching

2            usual invitations given

3            te church agreed to have a protracted meeting comencing Friday night before the second Sabbath in July

4            on motion Brother Lee Green was invited to asist  the The metting

5            on motion J.P. Livergood was authorized to invite Brother Wm. Parks

                        on motion adjourned

T.J. Livergood                    C. Protem                                                                 J.P.Loudermilk            MD



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath in July  1877 

preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

visiting brethren invited to seates with us usual invitations given

last minutes read and adopted

Reference called for              

on motion adjourned

J.P. Loudermilk            MD
A.B. Williams            CC


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath in August 1877 

preaching by  Brother G.W. May after which the church met in conference

on motion Brother G.W. May act as MD    

1            visting brothrens invited to seats with us to aid in or Deliberations  

2            usual invitations given

3            last minutes read and adopted

Reference called for 

on motion adjourned

G.W. May    MD
A.B. Williams            CC

Saturday night before the 2nd Sabbath August 1877 Preaching by Brothe G.W. May after

preaching an operthunity given sister Nancy Haris presented herself to the churchand was received by profession of faith for Baptism on Sunday the next day was baptized by Brother G.W. May

Preaching Sunday at 4oclock

after preaching an oportunity ______  

Sister Bety Lasanke came forward and was restored in the  E.J. Easel extended the hand of church fellowship

At night after preaching an opertunity given Sister Jane Cotner and Brother Donaldson resented themselves to the church and was received by the Church by profession of faith for Baptism

Preaching cording to apointment the 4 Sabbath in august 1877 at 3 oclock

in the evening Brother donalson and Sister Cotner wase baptized by Brother G.W. May

After Preaching the right hand of fellowship given to Brother Ed Donalson and Sister Jain Cotner  



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath in September 1877

preaching by  the pastor after preaching  the church met in conference

visiting Brothren invited to seats with us to aid in or Deliberations

usual invitations given Brother J.M. Clain presented himself to the Church and was received by profession of faith and received the right had of Christian felewship       

2            last minet red and adopted

Reference called for

on motion Church went into and election for Pastor. Brother J.P. Loudermilk being the choice. Excepted the care of the Church           

on motion for deligates Brother W.A. Bell and J.J. Bell and A.B. Williams elected as deligates on motion adjourned

                        J.P. Loudermilk            MD

                        A.B. Williams            CC

 On Sunday morning folewing at 10 oclock Brother  Julius Smith and J.M. Clais was Baptized

preaching at 11 after preaching an opertunity given and the right had of Church felewship given to Brother Smith and J.M. Clais           

Sister M.E. Williams presented her self to the Church and ws received by profession of faith and received the right had of Christian Felewship given and at 4 oclock in the evening was baptized by Brother J.P. Loudermilk preaching at night after preaching an oportunity given and the right had of Christian felewship given to Sister M.E. Williams first Doxoligy sund and dismis to meet at our next regular conference



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the Second Sabbath in October 1877  preaching by  the pastor after preaching an oportunity given and the Church met in conference      

1            visting brothrens invited  to aid in our Deliberations last minet red and adopted

Reference called for

The Co-sistionial leter red and adopted collection taken for minets amount $1.45 cts home mission  50cts

on motion adjourned

J.P. Loudermilk            MD
A.B. Williams            CC

Preaching Saturday night Sunday and Sunday night aond Monday night after preaching

Monday night an portunity given When Brother Donalson presented himself to the Church for membership The Church received his statement and extended the right had of Christain felewship until he could ger his leter from Mustang Creek



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath in Nov 1877 

preaching by  pastor after the church met in conference fist visting brothrens invited to aid in or Deliberations

last minets red and adopted

Reference called for on motion the time of our meeting be changed from the 2second Sabath and Saturday before to the 3 third Sabath and Saturday before in each month adjourned

on motion adjourned

J.P. Loudermilk            MD
A.B. Williams            CC




The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3nd Sabbath in December 1877

Him sung and praise offered by Brethren J.J. Bell

The church then met in conference

on motion Brother T.B. Clair act as MD 

last minet red and adopted

reference called for When Brother E.F. Mathew and Sister Molie Mathew called for leters from Antioch Church on motion leters granted Brother G.M. Willbourn and Sister L. Wilbourn ask for leters

on motions leters granted eters called for sister May

on motion leter granted Sister May

on motion The Church  recinded the act of granting Brother E.F.Mathew a leter apon a difficulty between him and Brother T.J. Livergood

on motion adjourned                                        

  T.B. Clair    MD

                        J.P. Loudermilk            MD

                        A.B. Williams            CC



 The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath in January 1878

Preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference and opoortunity given for membership   

2 visiting Brethern invited to aid in Church bisnes

Last minte red an adopted references called for

on motion a comity was apointed to visit Brother T.J. Livergood for unchristenal conduct comity brother A.J. Tidwell & W. A. Bell

on motion Sister Millia Mathew acknolgment for having danced was received and was forgive

on the motion a comity was apointed to visit Sister M.L. Crofford  for dancing comity brother T.B. Clair & A.B. Williams

                        on motion adjourned

                        J.P. Loudermilk            MD

                        A.B. Williams            CC



Preaching on Sunday folering after preaching the Church met in Conference brother John Askew ask for leter from this church for himself & wife on motion leters granted

            on motion adjourned

                        J.P. Loudermilk            MD

                        A.B. Williams            CC



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath in February 1878Preaching by the Pastor after which the church in conference      

1            visiting Brethren invited to aid in Church bisiness

2            an oportunity given for membership

3            last mintes red and adopted

4            reference called for on motion

Brother T.J. Livergood case laid over untill our next regunly conference

on motion the comity that was apointed to see Sister Croffard was dicharged and case continued untill our next  regunly  conference

on motion brother A.W. Donalason was droped from the membership waiting Mustang Church of his conducton motion The church profesed charges on sister M.L. Croffard and Sister Mandy Cole & Sister Wilburn for dancing the sister to report at our next regunly conference if any acknowledgement  to motion Brother E.W. Moore and Sister Salley Moore ask for leters and Sister Slaughter

on motion leters granted

on motion brother A.B. Williams was appointed Deacon of Antioch church

                        on motion adjourned

                        J.P. Loudermilk             MD

                        A.B. Williams            CC

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath in April 1878

Preaching by the Pastor after which the church met in conference      

1            visiting Bretheren invited to aid in church bisness

2            last minets read and adopted

references called for

on motion the church recinded the charge against Brother T.J. Livergood

Sister M.S. Croffard taken up on motion the church withdrue her felloship from Sister Croffard

Sister Mandy Cole case taken up When on motion the church withdrue her felowship from sister Cole

Sister Wilbourn case taken up When on motion the Church withdrue felowship from sister Wlibourn

Brother A.J. Tidwell ask for leter from Church for he and his wife

 On motion leters granted on motion adjourned

                        J.P. Loudermilk            MD

                        A.B. Williams            CC



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath in May 1878

On motion Brother T.B. Clair apointed Clerk protem

last minet read and adopted visitning brothern invited to seats with us

reference called for

on motion a subject on foot washing taken up to be discust at our next meeting           

on motion adjourned

                        J.P. Loudermilk            MD

                        T. B. Clair                C.protem



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3nd Sabbath in June 1878

Pastor being absent the Church meet in conference on motion

Brother Z.G. Bell act as moderator 

last minet being not present new busnes called for

on motion the Church withdrue her felenship from Sister Ann Garman for joining the Cambelights which wee have no Church corespondents with

                        on motion adjourned

                        Z.G. Bell MD            protem

                        A.B. Williams            CC



 The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3nd Sabbath in July 1878

Pastor being absent the church met in conference

on motio Brother A.B. Williams act as moderator

isiting brothern invited to seats with us last minets read and adopted

reference caled for When the Church prefeared a change against Brother George Green for yousing profain langued

on motion the church went into an elexiion for deligates to go the Colorado Association            Brother  A.B. Williams            J.J. Bell            & T.B. Clair             Elected alternants Z.G. Bell & W.A. Bell

                        on motion adjourned       

                        A.B. Williams            MD

                        A.B. Williams            CC



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3nd Sabbath in August 1878

Preaching by the pastor after which the church sat in conference

1          visiting Brethren invited to aid in church buisiness

2          an oppertunit given for membership

3          Last minutes read and adopted

4          on motion the reference on foot washing droped. on motion the church withdrew her felloswhhip from Brother Right Gorman for uniting himself with the Campbellights, which we have no church correspondence with.

on motion the church went into an election for Pastor            Bro. J.T. Loudermilk unamimiously chosen and will give an answer at our next meeting, the associational letter read and adopted on motion adjourned

                        J.T. Loudermilk            MD

                        A.B. Williams            CC


                                                                                                                                    Call Meeting

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met the first Sabbath in January 1879

after reading the 23 psalms & prayer by Bro. Z.G. Bell the Church met in conference. On motion Bro. A.B. Williams acted as moderator and Z.G. Bell as Clerk.

On motion letters granted to Bro. A.B. Williams sister V.T. Williams sister M.E. Ezzell sister Golden and sister Jane Cotner. On motion adjourned

                        A.B. Williams            Moderator

                        Z.G. Bell      C. protem



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 1st Sunday in April 1879

1st              Preaching by Bro. B.F. McDonald after which the church met in conference

2nd      On motion bro McDonald acted as Moderator

3rd              Usual invitations given Bro. A.J. Tidwell came forward and was received by letter

4th              Minutes of last regular meeting read and received and also the minutes of the of any called meeting read and received

5th              References claled for and on motion the Church withdrew her fellowship from Bro. George Green

6th              The church then proceeded to elect a Clerk as Pastor and a Deacon and resluted in unanimiously choosing H.Clare as Clerk Bro. B.F. McDonald as Pastor and Bro. T.B. Clare as Deacon

7th              Bro, J.D. Cook requested to come and assist Bro McDonald in ordaination of Deacon

8th              On motion the Clerk ordered to make a list of the members that organized the Church and all that have been received either by letter or Baptism; all that have been excluded; all that have been dismissed by letter; all that have been restored and all that yet remain in fellowship with the church

9th             On motion adjourned to meet a night

10th            Saturday night.

Preaching by pastor & upon aggreement to meet Sunday morning to hold prayer meeting and organize a Sabbath School, adjourned       

11th            Sunday Mourning Church met and held prayer meeting and organized a Sabbath School & after a short intermission the congregation reassembled & after preaching by Pastor adjourned to meet at night.

12th            Sunday night after short prayer meeting an exortedtion was offered by Bro. McDonald on oppoertunity given to any wishing to unite with the church Bro. T.J. & sister E.M. Livergood were received by letter

13th            The Church changed her time of meeting from the third to the First Sabbath & Saturday before in each month. Adjourned

                        T.B. Clare                CC                                                                                           B.F. McDonald            MD



 Antioch Church Lavaca Co. Texas

December 1879


R. Brown
A.J. Tidwell
T.B. Clare
T.J. Livergood
E.F. Mathew
W.J. Jagvis
L.O. Lard
C.H. Crawford
J.J. Bell
Z.G. Bell
W.A. Bell
G.M. Wilbourn
E.L. Moore
G. Green
J.M. Brown
S. Garmon
S. Carlile
W.R. Garmon
B. Harless


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 1st Sunday in May 1879

1st             Preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

2nd            Usual invitations given

3th             Minutes  received and adopted

4th             References called for Clerk proceeded to read the names as ordered in last conference

5th             On motion Clerk ordered to read the constitution & articles of faith of our church at our next regular meeting

6th             Adjourned to meet night

Saturday Night

7th              Preaching by pastor and privelege of the church extended and Brother George Greene was restored into full fellowship with the Church.

8th              Adjourned to meet sunday morning

Sunday Morning       

9th              The funeral of Bro. J.J. Bell preached by Bro. J.D. Cook

10th            The presbytery the proceeded in the ordaindtion of Bro T.B. Clare as deacon of our church.

11th            Adjourned to meet at night

12th            Sunday night reaching by pastor and adjourned to meet fifth Sunday of June

  B.F. McDonald             Mod                                                                                        J.H. Clare    CC


Antioch Church May & June

Second Sunday in May

Bro. T.J. Livergood delivered a Short posatation and extended te pivelege of the church

1st             Sister Manada Cole was restored in to the full fellowship of the church

2nd            Sister Lona Bingham was received in watch care of the church until she could get a letter from Salem church where she belongs

3rd             Adjourned

T.J. Livergood         Mod portem

                                    J. H. Clare    CC



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 1st Sunday in June 1879

1st              Preaching by the pastor after which the church met in conference

2nd      Usual rotine of business

3rd              Clerk proceeded to read the constitution and articles of faith

4th              Clerk ordered to read the Covenant at our next regular meeting. Adjourned

Sunday Mourning Preaching by Pastor and adjourned to meet at night

Sunday Night a short prayer meeting and preaching adjourned to meet Friday night of before fifth Sabath instnin a Retroted meeting

                                   J.H. Clare    CC

                                    B.F. McDonald


Antioch Church June & July


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 5th Sunday in June 1879   

Preaching by Brother McDonald

Saturday night preaching and sister Mary Crawford was received by letter

Sunday morning preaching and sister Lona Bingham lerrer received

Sunday night prayer meeting & preaching & Bro Lewis Lawrence received under the watch care of the church until he could obtain a letter for the church of which he is a member

Monday morning preaching

Monday night preaching and Bro Samuel Cole was received as candidate for Baptizing

Tuesday night an exotation offer by Bro McDonald and a short prayer meeting

Wednesday night preaching and Bro. James Carlile was received as candidate for Baptizm & sister Catherine Cole received under watch care until she could get a letter from the church which she belongs.

Thursday night preaching & Bro. E.S. Copeland being once baptized by the United Baptists was received in full fellowship within


Antioch Church

Friday night            preaching & prayer meeting

Saturday             preaching after which church sat in conference minutes read & received

referenced called for Clerk proceeded to read Church Covenant.

Resolved to have covenant read quarterly

on motion adjourned

Saturday night            preaching & Bro Howard received as a candidate for baptism

Sunday            preaching and prayer meeting

Sunday night prayer meeting & preaching

Monday morning Bro Howard baptised and Bro Cook came to Bro McDonalds assistance and preached         

Monday night prayer meeting & preaching

Tuesday          one hour spent in praise to God and then preaching.

Tuesday night             preaching & six candidated received for baptisim viz, Bro. D.A. Bradley L. J. Clare & T.H. Thomas & Sisters Jennie Cohel and Martin M. Combs & Mary E. Clare

Bro. T. H. Thomas was received in to South Union Church

Wednesday Morning            prayer meeting and preaching & baptising in evening

Wednesday night preaching and prayer meeting and Bro. H.B. Hunt received as candidate for baptism. Then adjourned

                                    J.H. Clare    CC                                                                                                       B.F. McDonald

                                    J.D. Cook



 Antioch Church


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 1st Sabbath in Sept 1879

preaching by pastor after which church sat in conference

usual invitation given and Bro. J.R. Combs was received in full fellowship with us he being baptised at South Union Church. Sister Cole received in full fellowship. Minutes read and addopted 

Church withdrew her fellowship form Sister Ann Jones for  uniting with the Christian denomination

Church proceeded to elect delegates to the Association resulted in the choice of Bro. T.J. Livergood, D.A. Bradley & Samuel Cole; alternates Bro. W.A. Bell & J.R. Combs

Church then proceded to elect a pastor resulted in the unamimious choice of Bro. B.F. McDonald

Church then licensed Bro T.J. Livergood to preach

adjourned to meet at night

Saturday night preaching and a resolution pased to commune at night twice a year that being in May & September

Sunday morning Sabbath school & preaching Bro Lewis Lawrence's letter received & Bro H.B. Hunt received in full fellowship being received by Antioch and baptised at south Union.

Sunday night preaching & Sister M. E. Hunt being a member of South Union was received with the understanding that she would get a letter.

Sacrement taken and adjourned

J.H. Clare    Cc
B.F. McDonald             Mod

Antioch Church

Oct & Nov


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 1st Sunday in Oct 1879

preaching by pastor after which Church sat in conference

Visting brethren invited to seats with us.

Usual invitation for membership given

Minutes read and addopted

Associational letter read and received

Two dollars collected for minutes

Adjourned to meet at night

Saturday night

Exortations offered by Bro McDonald & Bro Livergood and a short prayer meeting. Time of the meeting changed from the first to the third Sunday and Saturday before in each month.

Sunday morning prayer meeting and preaching

Sunday night preaching and adjourned to meet Saturday before third Sunday in November                        

B.F. McDonald Moderator
J.H. Clare    CC


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Nov 1879

Preaching by pastor after which sat in conference usual                           

invitations given. Minutes read and addopted            

Postponed reading the covenant until next regular conference. Clerk was reelcted for an indefinite length of time on motion adjourned to meet at night.

Saturday night prayer meeting and an exortation by Bro McDonald adjournment


Antioch Church March 1880

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in March 1880   

Preaching by pastor after which conference called

visiting brethren invited to seats with us

Minutes read and addopted

Reference called for; the case of Bro. W.B. Hunt continued until our next conference meeting

On motion church withdrew fer fellowship from Jas. Carlile for the charge of being intoxicated together with the charge mentioned in last conference

Covenant read and asjourned

No more services on account of bad weather

B.F. McDonald        Mod.
J.H. Clare     CC


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in April 1880                 

Preaching by pastor after which conference called

Visiting brethren invited to seats with us

Usual invitation for membership extended

Minutes read and received

Reference called for

On motion church withdrew her fellowship from H.B. Hunt for the charge of dancing

On motion adjourned til night

Saturday night preaching by Bro Lee Green & only till next regular appointment

                                                                                                       B.F. McDoanld    mod
J.H. Clare     CC


Antioch Church May & June

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in May 1880                  

Preaching by pastor after which conference called

Visiting brethren invited to seats with us

Usual invitation for membership extended

Minutes read and adopted

adjourned till night

Saturday night preaching and adjourned  till morning

Sunday morning preaching and adjourned till night

Sunday Night preaching and communion and adjourned till next regular appointment

                    B.F. McDonald      Mod                                          J.H. Clare      CC


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in June 1880       

conference called for

minutes read and adopted

On motion adjourned till night

Saturday night preaching and adjourned till mourning

Sunday mourning preaching and adjourned to meet next regular appointment in protracted meeting

                                                                                                                   B.F. McDonald
J.H. Clare     CC


Antioch Church  Dec & Jan

Sunday Mourning Prayer meeting the associational letter read and received after which preaching and adjourned till night

S N preaching and adjourned til next regular appointment

                  J.H. Clare      CC                                                     B.F. McDonald          mod



The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Dec 1880               

Preaching by pastor after which conference called

Minutes read and received

The subject of whom attendance of members discussed some and refered to our next regular conference

On mtion adjourned and no more service on account of bad weather

                                                                                                     B.F. McDonald   mod
J.H. Clare         CC


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in April 1880                 

Preaching by pastor after which conference called

Visiting brethren invited to seats with us

Minutes read and adopted

Reference called for and the subject of non attendande of members still continued

New business carges prefered against and church withdrew fellowsip from Will Tombs for uniting himself with the Campbelites denouncing faith   

A letter of denouning granted


Antioch Church July & August

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in July 1880                   

Preaching by pastor after which conference called

Visiting brethren invited to seats with us

Usual invitation for membership extended

Minutes read and received

Bro H.B. Hunt restored in full fellowship with us and granted a letter of dismississon

Granted a letter of dismission also granted to sister Phebe A. Harris

On motion adjourned till night

Saturday night prayer meeting and preaching & adjourned till sunday morning

Sunday morning prayer meeting & preaching & adjourned service on account fo bad weather

J.H. Clare   CC                                                     B.F. McDonald  mod


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Sept. 1880                  

Preaching by pastor after which conference called

July Minutes read and adopted

Church proceeded to elect delegates to Association resulted in the coice of Bros T.J. Livergood, E.S. Copeland& J.H, Clare

Bro B.F. McDonald was then elected by acclamation to the pastoral care for church for for the next year.

On motion adjourned

Aantioch Church Feb & Mar

Sister Catherine Cole on motion journed till sunday morning

Sunday Morning

Prayer meeting and preaching and adjourned till next regular appointment

                  B.F. McDonald

                 J.H. Clare      Clerk                                                               Mod    


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Feb. 1881                   

Preaching by pastor after which conference called

Minutes read and adopted.

On motion adjourned.

No more services on account of the weather

                                                                                    B.F. McDonald

                J.H. Clare     Clerk                                                               Mod 


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in March 1881               

Preaching by pastor after which conference called

Minutes read & adopted, Adjourned till morning

Sunday morning preaching and adjourned till next regular appointment

                                                                                          B.F. McDonald

              J.H. Clare     Clerk                                                                        Mod


Antioch Church Apr. & May

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in Aug. 1881                  

Preaching by pastor after which conference called    Minutes read and adopted

Church withdrew her fellowship from B.H. HArless for the charge of Stealing Corn.

Charges prefered against C.H. Crawford for using profane language and a committee appointed to  visit him. Delegates  elected to the association consisting of T.J. Livergood , T.B. Clare & J.H. Clare.

A committee was appointed to meet with the church of Salem and South Union for the purpose of selecting a place for a camp meeting to be held by our missionary Bro. W.C. Mannin

on motion adjourned till night

Saturday night preaching by Bro. Carroll  adjourned till morning

Sunday morning short call conference held and church agreed to hold our next conference at the camp meeting

Preaching by Bro Carroll and adjourned till next regular appointment

B.F. McDonald J.H. Clare

Mod CC


Antioch Church Sept. & Dec

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd  Sabbath in Sept. 1881

Preaching by pastor after which conference called 

Minutes read & adopted

References called for Committee of C.H. Crawford case rehorted; report received and committee discharged Church withdrew her fellowship from Bro. Crawford for conduct not becoming in a Christian

Associanal letter read and received Two dollars were raised for minutes of the association

on motion adjourned

Bro  J.W. Farrington and wife were received by letter during the meeting held by Bro Manning

           B.F. McDonald  Mod

           J.H. Clare     Clerk


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Dec. 1881                   

Preaching by Bro Blackmon after which conference called visiting brethren invited to seats

On motion church called Bro Blackmon to her pastorial care for the year

On motion adjourned

             R.M. Blackmon     Mod

             J.H. Clare     Clerk


Antioch Church   Dec & April 1882

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Dec 1881               

Preaching by pastor after which conference called

Visiting brethren invited to seats

On motion church withdrew her fellowship from sister Crawford for uniting herself with the Campbellites denomination

The time of meeting changed from the third to fourth Sunday & Saturday before each month     adjourned

Saturday night preaching and Bro R. M. Squires was received and adjourned to meet the 4th Sunday in Jan. 

             J.H. Clare     Clerk                                                        R.M. Blackmon     Mod


The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 4th Sunday in April 1881   

Preaching by pastor after which conference called

Minutes of three preceding meetings read and adopted

On motion church agreed to meet next regular appointment on Livergood branch for the pirpose of discussing the propriety of herself & South Union church consolidation

on motion adjourned

Saturday night preaching and adjourned till morning

Sunday Morning prayer meeting & preaching and adjourned till next regular appointment

Antioch Church
Aug & Aug

Tuesday night Sister Conne Hanson, Bessie Brown, Mattie Brown & Ida Clare on profession of faith.

Wednesday Bro. John Hanson on profession of faith. Meeting closes Wednesday  night leaving some under deep conviction. A short conference held, a letter of dismission granted to sister Annie Thomas.

Next appointment changed to Saturday before the first Sunday in Aug.

            H. Clare CC                                                         R.M. Blackmom Moderator

Baptist Church of Christ
Worshipping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the First Sunday in August 1882

Preaching by pastor after which conference called. Visiting brethren invited to seats.

Minutes read and adopted adj. to morning Sunday M Bro. John Hanson baptized at 10 O’Clock  & preaching at 11 O’Clock adj. to meet Saturday before the fourth Sunday in august.

J.H. Clare CC                                                              R.M. Blackmon Moderator


Baptist Church at Antioch


Met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in August.  Preaching by pastor after which conference called. Charges preferred against Beck Hunt for using profane language, on motion church withdrew her fellowship from Hunt.


Church went into election for delegates to the association resulted in the choice of Brethren T.J. Livergood, R.M. Squires and L.H. Lawrence, alternate T.B. Clare, James Bingham


Antioch Church
Aug & Sept 1882


H. Clare            Church went into election for pastor resulted in choice of Bro. Blackmon. Clerk ordered to prepare the letter to the association on the motion. Adj.

T.J. Livergood             clerk pro tem                                               R.M. Blackmon   Mod.


Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the first Sunday in Oct 1882

Preaching by the pastor after which conference called

Minutes read and adopted

The associational letter read and received.  $1.50 collected for minutes on motion

Adj til Sat night preaching & adj till morning Sunday. Preaching after which $2.45 raised for Home Mission

Adj. to next regular start

J.H. Clare CC                                                                          R.M. Blackmon            Mod


Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the 4sabbath in Oct. 1882

The pastor not being present on motion Bro. Livergood acted as MD

Prayer after reading of the 23 Psalms

Minutes of the last meeting read and adopted

A letter of dismissal was granted to Bro J.H. Clare

J.H. Clare             CC                                                       T.J. Livergood                    MD pro tem


The Baptist Church
Worshiping at Antioch


Met on the fourth Sabbath in February 1883

Preaching by Bro. J.C. Thames after which the church met in conference

Usual invitation given

Church went into an election for pastor and clerk which resulted in the choice of J.C. Thames and S.J. Hanson, so done in conference

T.J. Livergood            CC                                                       J.C. Thames MD


The Baptist Church
Worshiping at Antioch


Met on the Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in April 1883

Preaching by the pastor, after which the church went into conference , last minutes read and adopted

On motion adj. to meet on our next regular day.

S.J. Hanson CC                                                       J.C. Thames MD


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch

Met Saturday before fourth Sunday in May 1883

Preaching by the Pastor after which conference called last minutes read and adopted

Usual invitation given to the Church on motion adj. to meet on our next regular day in a protracted meeting.

S.J. Hanson  CC                                                       J.C. Thames MD

The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met on Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in October 1883

After preaching the church met in conference

Usual visitors given

No business adjourned to meet the next regular day

T.J. Livergood   CC pro tem                                         J.C. Thames            MD


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met on Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in December 1883

Preaching by the pastor after preaching the church met in conference

R.M. Squires received as clerk

No other business dismissed to meet at our next regular place and time

R.G. Squires            CC                                                       J.C. Thames MD


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met on Saturday before the 4 Lords day in January 1884

After preaching by the Pastor met in conference

Sister Thomas and Sister Wades How had letters remain with us

No other business dismissed to meet at our regular time and place

R.M. Squires            CC                                                       J.C. Thames MD


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met on Saturday before the 4 Lords in February 1884

After preaching met in conference

No reference S.J. Hanson was recalled from the Church by unchristian conduct

No other reference dismissed to meet at our regular time and place

R.M. Squires  CC                                                       J.C. Thames  MD


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met on Saturday before the 4 Lords Day in July 1884

After preaching by the Pastor met in conference

The church appointed Bros. Jim Bingham as committee to see Bros. E.S. Caplan and reporte to the church and R.M. Squires to see L.H. Larnce and reporte at future conference

No other business dismissed to meet at our next regular place and time

R.M. Squires  CC                                                       J.C. Thames  MD

The meeting was continue for Bros. J.D. Wallace Charley Herald, J.E. Herald and Sister Mary Tomby Hind, Sister M. L. Garmon and Mandy Herald received by experience and baptized

R.M. Squires            CC                                                       J.C. Thames  MD


The Baptist Church of Christ

Met at Antioch on Saturday before the 4 Lords day in August 1884

After preaching by the pastor met in conference where release of Bros. Lawrence and Bros. Copeland

Appointed to labor with the association business J. C. Thames chosen as pastor for the next year, T. J. Livergood, R.M. Squires, JW. Bingham delegates.

No other business dismissed until our next regular time and place

R.M. Squires            CC                                                       J.C. Thames            MD


The Baptist Church of Christ


Met at Antioch on Saturday before the 4 Lords Day in September 1884

After preaching by the pastor met in conference the reference stated the Association business

Served no other business dismissed to meet at our next regular time and place

R.M. Squires            CC                                                       J.C. Thames            MD

September 29th AD 1883


T.B. Clare                                        lettered 88
T.J. Livergood
R.M. Squires
J.W. Bingham                                  entered in Jan 1886
L.H. Lawrence
S.J. Hanson                                      Excluded
E. L. Copeland                                  Exc. at Oct. meeting 1886
D.A. Bradly                                       87
J.H. Clare                                          lettered November
L.J. Clare                                          reception recinded May 88
J.R. Combs                                        moved off
Z.G. Bell                                            lettered in Jan 1886 moved
W.A.Bell                                            lettered in Jan 1886 moved
T.Thomas                                          excluded 88
J.E. Herald                                        Excluded May 1, 1886
C. Herald                                            “                “    “      “
J.D. Wallace                                      lettered June 1886
S.W. Goody                                       lettered Sept 1887
Z.G. Bell                                            received Sept 1887
J.J. Roden                                          received March 1888
W.A. Bell                                            received Sept 1888

September 29th AD 1883


A.E. Clare                                            lettered Sept 1888
M. Bingham                                         lettered in Jan 1886
E.M. Livergood                                                                   
E.M. Bell                                               excluded Apr 1888
M.E. Clare                                             lettered Nov 1887
Vir. Herrell                                            excluded May 1 1886
H.E. Lawrence                                       lettered
M.E. Hind                                              died Feb. 14 1886
Ida Clare
C.E. Hanson                                          Excluded May 1 1886
H. Bell                                                   lettered in Jan 1886
R. Brown                                               lettered
M. Brown                                               lettered
Mary Tombs                                           lettered June 1886
M.L. Garmon                                          dead
Mandy Herald
Manervia Squires
Sintha Thomas                                       lettered in May 1886
Sarah Wood                                           lettered in May 1886
Mary M. Clare                                         lettered November 87
H.V. Bell                                                                                
Ann Copeland                                                                         died


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch


Met Saturday before the third Sunday in August 1885

Preaching by Bro. J.F. Carson after which church transacted the following business, Bro. Carson asting as moderator Pro tem

Bro. J. F. Carson call to the pastoral care of the church

Delegates elected to meet with the Colorado Association, which were Brethren T.B. Clare, James Bingham & T.J. Livergood

Election for Church Clerk resulted in the unanimous election of Bro. J. H. Clare

The clerk ordered to prepare our letter to the association

On motion adjourned to meet Saturday before the third Sabbath in Sept.  

T.J. Livergood            Clerk Pro Tem                                                          J.F. Carson Moderator


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch


Met Saturday before the third Sabbath in Jan. 1886

Preaching by Bro. J.A. Cheetham after Which the following business transacted with Bro. Cheetham as moderator

On motion Eder J.A. Cheetham called as pastor for the remainder of the year

On motion letters of dismission were granted to Brethren W.A. Bell, Z.G. Bell and James Bingham and sister Harriett Bell & Malona Bingham

On motion adjourned till Sunday Mor

Sunday preaching and a favorable answer from Bro. Cheetham

The time of meeting fixed on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in each Month

J.H. Clare  Clerk                                                               J. A. Cheetham  Moderator


The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch


Met Saturday before the 4th Sunday in Feb. 1886

Preaching by pastor

Next appointment changed to Saturday before Sunday in April

J.H. Clare    Clerk                                                               J.A. Cheetham   Moderator


Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch


Met Saturday before first Sunday in April 1886

Preaching by pastor after which the following business

Minutes of three preceding meetings read and adopted

Adjourned til Sunday

Sunday Morn Preaching.

Church and Community invited Bro. B.F. Miller of Hallettsville to conduct a protracted meeting at such time as may suit both Bro. Miller and Church

Adjourned until the first Sunday in May and Saturday before

J.H. Clare  CC                                                             J.H. Cheetham   MOD


Saturday before the first Sunday in May

Preaching by pastor after which the following business;  Clerk not present

On motion Bro. T.B. Clare appointed Clerk

On motion Church withdrew fellowship from John Harrell, Charley Harrell, Virginia Harrell and Corene Hanson for dancing and unchristian conduct

On motion letters of dismission granted to sisters Cynthia Thomas and Sarah Woods

Adjourned to meet next regular appointments

J.H. Clare   CC                                                       J.H. Cheetham  Moderator


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshipping at Antioch

Met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in June 1886

Preaching by the pastor after which the church sat in conference

Minutes read and adopted

On motion letters of dismission granted to Bro. J.D. Wallace and Sister Mollie Wallace

On motion adjourned

T. B. Clare   CC                                                                   J.H. Cheetham Mod pro tem


Antioch Baptist Church of Christ

Met Saturday before the 4th Sunday in July 1886

Preaching by pastor after which conference called

Minutes read & Adopted

The church agreed to have a protracted meeting commencing Friday night before next regular appointment

On motion adjourned

J.H. Clare   CC                                                                   J.H. Cheetham Moderator

The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshipping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the 4th Sunday in Aug. 1886

No Preacher being present a chapter read by Bro. T.B. Clare and prayer by Bro. Livergood after which conference held with Bro. T.B. Clare as moderator

Minutes read and adopted

On motion an election held for delegates to the Association resulted in the choice of Brethren T.B. Clare and T.J. Livergood and Sister A.E. Clare

On motion an election held for Pastor resulted in the choice of Elder Sam Holland. Bro. Livergood to J.H. Clare appointed as committee to notify Holland of the call

On motion adjourned til morning Sunday.  One sermon each from Bros. Holland & Carson and our protracted meeting postponed till Saturday before the second Sunday in Sept. and adjourned till that time

J.H. Clare   Clerk                                                               T.B. Clare Mod pro tem


The Baptist Church
Worshipping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in October 1886 in conference

After reading a portion of scripture & prayer Bro. T.B. Clare appointed as moderator

On motion Bro. Cheetham appointed as delegate to the Association instead of Bro. Livergood

Collection taken up for Bro. Cheetham and $12.25 in cash received on salary and more pledged

The associational read and adopted

On account of Bro. Holland not being able to take the care of our church, the church agreed to call another pastor and Bros. T.B. Clare & Livergood appointed as committee to secure a pastor for the next year

On motion adjourned to meet at our next regular appointment

J.H. Clare Clerk                                                   T.B. Clare  moderator pro tem


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshipping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the 4th Sunday in Oct. 1886

Preaching by Bro. Cheetham after which conference

Minutes read and adopted

The committee to secure a pastor reported that the executive board offers no assistance which will be attended to at the meeting of the Workers Institute beginning on Friday before the 5th Sunday in October

On motion adjourned till next regular time of meeting

J.H. Clare  CC                                                             J.A. Cheetham Mod


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshipping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in Nov. 1886

Preaching by Bro. Cheetham after which conference called

Minutes read and adopted

Church withdrew fellowship from E.S. Copeland for disorderly walk

Adjourned till we secure a pastor

J.H. Clare                                                                    J.A. Cheetham  Moderator


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshipping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the first Sunday in January 1887

Preaching by Bro. G.W. Newsom and conference called

Visiting brethren invited to seats

Usual visitation for membership

Minutes read and adopted

On motion and election held for a pastor and Bro. Newsom was called. The committee to secure a pastor discharged

The time of meetin changed from the fourth to the first Sunday and Saturday before in each month

On motion adjourned

J.H. Clare   Clerk                                                               G.W. Newsom   Moderator


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshipping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the first Sunday in March 1887

Preaching by the pastor and conference

Minutes read and adopted and adj. till next regular time of meeting

Preaching Saturday night and Sunday

T.J. Livergood   Clerk pro tem                                      G.W. Newsom  Moderator


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshipping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the first Sunday in April 1887

Visiting brethren invited to seats

Usual invitation for membership

Minutes read and adopted and conference adjourned

Preaching Saturday night and Bro. S.W. Coody presented himself for membership and was received by letter

Preaching Sunday & Sunday night

J.H. Clare   Clerk                                                               G.W. Newsom  Moderator


Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch


Met in conference Saturday before the first Sunday in Oct. 1887

After preaching by the pastor visiting brethren invited to seats

Invitation for membership extended

Minutes read and adopted

The associational letter read and a motion to adopt past

A motion to receive the letter with one amendment was carried

Brethren T.J. Livergood, Z.G. Bell & J.H. Clare were chosen as our delegates to meet with the association

On motion adjourned

J.H. Clare   Clerk                                                               G.W. Newsom   Moderator


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshipping at Antioch


Met the 2nd day of  Oct. 1887

After reading the Scriptures and prayer and preaching by Bro. Pastor Church went into election for Pastor resulted in a failure and a meeting appointed for next Sunday for the purpose of making the call.

On motion adjourned

J.H. Clare   Clerk                                                               G.W. Newsom   Moderator


Second Sunday in Oct. 1887 prayer meeting and conference held with Bro. Livergood as moderator

On motion went into election for pastor resulted in the choice of Bro. J. C. Thames of Hallettsville, Texas

On motion adjourned

J.H. Clare   Clerk                                                               T.J. Livergood   Moderator


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshipping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in March 1888

Preaching by the Pastor

Visiting Brethrens invited to seats

Minutes Read and adopted

There being not Church Clerk the church went into election for Church Clerk, Bro, Z.G. Bell was elected Clerk

On motion adjourned

Z.G. Bell   Clerk                                                               J.C. Thames   Moderator


Preaching Saturday night & Bro. J.J. Roden presented himself for membership by letter

The church not being present was  sashant  (?)     till Sunda

Sunday 10 am  Sunday School  organized  T.G. Livergood Superintendent

Preaching by the pastor after which Brother Roden was level in full fellowship with the chosen

Z.G. Bell   CC                                                                         J.C. Thames  MD


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshipping at Antioch


Met on Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in April 1888

Preaching by the pastor after which the Church sat in conference

Invitation given for membership

The church withdrew membership from Bro. J. Thames, sister Gramon & sister Mary Clare

No other business adjourned till next time and place

T.J. Livergood   CC pro tem                                                     J.C. Thames   MD

The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in July 1888

Prayer by T.J. Livergood  after which Bro. Livergood was elected Mod pro tem

After some touching remarks by the moderator the church adjourned to meet Saturday before the 2nd in August

Z.G. Bell   CC                                                                         T.J. Livergood   Mod pro tem


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in August 1888

Prayer by Bro. R.W. Lowery after which Bro. Lowery was elected moderator pro tem

Usual invitation given for membership

It was moved and carried to rent the church to the public school, Bro. Livergood and T.B. Clare was to make the contract

It was moved and carried to sell two of the benches for oil for the church

On motion adjourned

Z.G. Bell   CC                                                                         R.W. Lowery   mod pro tem


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in September 1888

Preaching by the pastor

Usual invitation were given for membership

Minutes read and adopted

Church went into election for delegates, Bro. Thomas Livergood & Squires were the chosen, Bro. Lawrence and Roden alternates

Letters were granted to Bro. & sister Clare

Preaching at night  & Sunday at 11:00 and at 4:00 pm

Bro. W.A. Bell was removed by letter

Adjourned to meet Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in October 1888

Z.G. Bell   CC                                                                         J.C. Thames    MD


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in October 1888

Preaching by the Pastor

Usual invitation given for membership

Minutes read and adopted after several remarks by the members about the church

On Motion adjourned til Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in November 1888

Z.G. Bell   CC                                                                         J.C. Thames   MD

The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in May 1889

Bro. Newson MD pro tem

After which Br. G.W. Newsom excepted the care of the church for the remainder of the year

Bro. J.R. Combs care was taken up for  maintenance at church

Bro. J.F. Roden was chosen as delegate to wait on him and report at our next meeting

No more business adjourned

Z.G. Bell   CC                                                                         G.W. Newsom   MD


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met Saturday before 2nd Sunday in June 1889 

Invitation given for membership

Bro. E.S. Copeland  was restored to the church

Minutes  read and adopted

No more business adjourned to met Saturday the 2nd Sunday in July 1889

Z.G. Bell   CC                                                                         G.W. Newsom   MD


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met the 2nd Saturday in September 1889

Preaching by the pastor

Usual invitations given for membership

The church went in elections for pastor resulted in the choice of J.D. Combs

Delegates for the Association, T.J. Livergood, J. Tidwell, J.T. Roden

Church ordered to write the church letter

On a motion adjourned

Z.G. Bell  CC                                                                          G.W. Newsom   MD


The First Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met Saturday the 2nd Sunday in December 1889

Preaching by the Pastor

Visiting members invited to seats

Usual invitation given for membership

There being no business adjourned to meet Saturday the 2nd Sunday in January 1890

Z.G. Bell  CC                                                                          G.W. Newsom   MD


The Baptist Church of Christ

Worshiping at Antioch


Met Saturday the 2nd Sunday in January 1890

Preaching by the pastor

Usual invitation for membership

Visiting members invited to seats

There being no business Adjourned to meet in February  1890

Z.G. Bell  CC                                                                          G.W. Newsom   MD


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in February 1890

Preaching by the pastor

Usual invitations for membership

Visiting members invited to seats

With there being no business  adjourned to meet in March 1890

Z.G. Bell  CC                                                                          G.W. Newsom   MD                    


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met in conference Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in March 1890

Preaching by the pastor

Usual invitations given for membership

Visiting members invited to seats

A charge was brought against Bro. Jay Smith for dancing by his Aunt

Request the clerk was ordered to write him

On motion adjourned to meet in April

Z.G. Bell  CC                                                                          G.W. Newsom   MD


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in April 1890

Preaching by the pastor

Usual invitation given for membership

Visiting members invited to seats

The clerk ordered for longer time to correspond with Bro. Smith granted

On motion adjourned to meet in May

Z.G. Bell   CC                                                                         G.W. Newsom


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met in conference Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in Jun 1890

Preaching by the pastor

Visiting members invited to seats

Usual invitation given for membership

The church sustained the charge against Bro. Smith and withdrew fellowship from him

Z.G. Bell   CC                                                                         G.W. Newsom   MD


We held a protracted meeting the 4th week in June assisted by J.T. Gossom & Sam  Flahand,  Sister Irene Combs and Laura Bell was received for Baptism



The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met in conference before the 2nd Sunday in September 1890

Preaching by the pasto 

Invitation given for membership

Visiting members invited to seats with us

Minutes read and adopted

Went into election for the pastor of 1891, Bro. Newsom was unanimously elected for 1891

Delegates appointed to the association. Bro. A.J. Tidwell, J.R. Combs and Z.G. Bell were chosen to go to Cuero

The church was ordered to write the church letter . $100 made up for minutes

No more business adjourned to meet Saturday the 2nd Saturday in October

Z.G. Bell   CC                                                                         G.W. Newsom   MD



The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch

Met in conference 2 nd Sunday in October 1890 the pastor being water bound on Saturday

Preaching by the pastor

Invitation given for membership

Invitations given for visiting members to seats with us

Minutes read and adopted

Church letter read and received

No more business adjourned to meet the 1st Saturday in November

Z.G. Bell   CC                                                                         G.W. Newsom   MD


The Baptist Church of Christ
Worshiping at Antioch


Met Saturday before the first Sunday in November 1890

Preaching by the pastor

Visiting members invited to seats

Usual invitation given for membership

Minutes read and adopted

Time changes from the 2nd to the first Sunday

There being no more business adjourned to meet Saturday before the 1st Sunday in December 1890

Z.G. Bell   CC                                                                         G.W. Newsom   MD

October 1890

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met in conference Saturday  before 2nd Sunday in October 1890.

The Pastor being water bound on Saturday

Preaching by the Pastor invitations given for members

Invitations given for visiting members to seats 

Minutes read and adopted

Church letters read and received

No More business, adjourned to meet the 1st Saturday in November

G.W. Newsom  MD

Z.G. Bell  CC


November 1890

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the first Sunday in November 1890

Preaching by the Pastor

Visiting members invited to Seats

Usual invitations given for members

Members renewed and adopted

Time change from the 2nd to the 1st Sunday

There being no more business adjourned to meet Saturday before the 1st Sunday in December 1890

G.W. Newsom  MD

Z.G. Bell CC

December 1890

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 1st Sunday in December 1890

Preaching by the Pastor

Invitation given for members

Visiting members invited to seats

Minutes read and approved

New business called for

Adjourned to meet Saturday before the first Sunday in January 1891

G.W. Newsom  MD

Z.G. Bell  CC


January 1891

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the 1st Sunday in January 1891

Preaching by the Pastor

Invitations given for members

Visiting members invited to seats

On motion letter was granted to Brother Z. A. Bradley

No other business

Adjourned to meet Saturday before the 1st Sunday in February 1891

G.W. Newsom  MD

Z.G. Bell  CC


April 1891

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before 1st Sunday in April 1891

Preaching by the Pastor

Usual invitation for members

Visiting members invited to seats

On motion letters were granted to Brother Z.G. and E. M. Livergood and Brother R.M. Spnery

No other business adjourned to meet Saturday before 1st Sunday May 1891

G.W. Newsom  MD

Z.G. Bell  CC


June 1891

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the 1st Sunday June 1891

Preaching by the Pastor

Usual invitation given for members

Visiting Members invited to seats

Minutes read and adopted

Adjourned to meet Saturday in July 1891

G.W. Newsom  MD

Z.G. Bell  CC


On Wednesday after conference Sister Ann Phillips was received in the church by letter.

On Friday we held a meeting was called  and a charge was preferred against Sister Laura Bell for unchristian conduct and on a motion the church withdrew fellowship from her

On motion adjourned to meet Saturday before the 1st Sunday of July 1891

G.W. Newsom  Mod

Z.G. Bell  CC


July 1891

The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the 1st Sunday July 1891

Preaching by the Pastor

Usual invitation given for members

Visiting Members invited to seats

Minutes read and adopted

On Motion Brother J.J. Roden was appointed to get the old church book framed and Brother T.J. Livergood for future reference

There being no other business adjourned to meet on 1st Sunday in September 1891

G.W. Newsom  Mod

Z.G. Bell  CC


August 1891

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the first Sunday in August 1891

Preaching by the Pastor

Usual invitation for members

Invited visiting members to seats

Minutes read and adopted

Brother J.J. Roden reported and the book turned over to the Church

On Motion a deacon is to be elected and ordained at our next meeting

On motion adjourned to meet the before the first Sunday in September 1891

G.W. Newsom Mod

Z.G. Bell  CC

September 1891

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the 1st Sunday in September 1891

Preaching by the Pastor

Usual invitations for members

Minutes read and adopted

Delegates elected resulting in the charge J.J. Roden, Z.G. Bell, A.J. Tidwell alternate

It was ordered to communicate at our next meeting

On Motion adjourned to meet on the Saturday before the first Sunday in October 1891

G.W. Newsom Mod

Z.G. Bell  CC


October 1891

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the First Sunday of October 1892

Preaching by the Pastor

Usual invitations for Members

Visiting members invited to seats

Minutes read and adopted

Church letter read and adopted

No other business adjourned to meet on the Saturday before the first Sunday in November 1891

G.W. Newsom  Mod

Z.G. Bell  CC

February 1892

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met on before the 4th Saturday in February 1892

Preaching by Brother G.W. Newsom

After, the Church went into conference, Brother Newsom was asked to the care of the Church, he accepted the call and other business

Adjourned to meet the 4th Saturday in March 1892

G.W. Newsom Mod

Z.G. Bell  CC


March 1892 

The Baptist church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the 4th Saturday in March 1892

Preaching by the Pastor

Usual invitation given for members

Visiting members invited to seats

Minutes read and adopted

Church agreed to commune at our next meeting

Adjourned to meet Saturday before the 4th Sunday in April 1892

G.W. Newsom Mod

Z.G. Bell  CC


May 1892

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met in conference on Sunday before the 4th Sunday in May AD 1892

Usual invitation given for membership

Minutes of the last meeting read and received with amendments to change of date

Brother Z.G. Bell offered his resignation as Church Clerk, which was granted by the Church

The Church elected A.J. Tidwell Clerk

On motion conference adjourned til next regular meeting

G.W. Newsom  Moderator

A.J. Tidwell  Clerk


June 1892

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday, before the 4th Sunday in June 1892

Preaching by the Pastor after which the Church sat in conference

Usual invitation given for members

Visiting members invited to seats

Minutes of last meeting read and received

Brother John Brown was received by letter in to full fellowship with the church

On Motion conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom  Moderator

A.J. Tidwell  Clerk

July 1892

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met July the 1st 1892 and protracted a meeting of several days

Brother A.J. Williams conducting the Worship on July the  4th  the Church sat in conference on motion J. T. Roden was appointed moderator Pro Tem

Visiting members invited to seats

On invitation offered for members Sister Ellen Smith was received into full fellowship  with the church on her statement being formerly a member of Elm Grove Church which is now desolved.

The following members were received by Baptism into full fellowship with the Church Brother James Bell, T.H. Thomas, B. H.  Hunt, Sisters Carry Bell, Fanny Hunt & M.E. Clare.

On motion conference adjourned

J.T. Roden Moderator Pro tem

A.J. Tidwell Clerk


The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday, before the fourth Sunday in July 1892

Preaching by the Pastor after which the Church sat in Conference

Visiting members invited to seats

Usual invitation given for members

Minutes of last regular meeting read & received. Minute of call. Meeting of Conference July the fourth read and received

There being no other business on motion conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom  Moderator

A.J. Tidwell   Clerk


 August 1892

The Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in August 1892

After prayer the Church sat  in conference on motion Brother T.B. Clare was appointed Moderator Pro tem

Visiting members invited to seats

Usual invitation given for members

Brothers William  and Perry Bell were received by letter in to full fellowship with the Church

Minutes read & received

On motion the Clerk was ordered to prepare the associational letter to be read  and received at the next regular meeting

On motion the Church went into election for delegates to be sent to the Colorado Association to meet in Victoria October 1892

Brothers James Bell, T.H. Thomas and J.R. Combo was chosen as delegates

Brothers H.B. Hunt and J. T. Roden were chosen as alternate delegates

On motion the Church went into an election for pastor which resulted in the unanimous election of Brother G. W. Newsom

On motion the Church instructed the delegates to pledge $5.00 to be paid to associational missions at the association meeting in October 1893

The Church agreed to pay $1.00 for Minister

There being no other business on motion Conference adjourned

T. B. Clare Moderator Pro Tem

A.J. Tidwell   Clerk


September 1892

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in September 1892

After divine services conducted by the Pastor the Church sat in Conference

 Visiting members invited to seats

Usual invitations given for members

Brother James Smith was received by letter into full fellowship with the Church

Minutes of last meeting read and received

The Associational letter called for and read and adopted with amendments to change pledge from Home Mission Board to Associational missions. Said pledge amounting to five dollars to be given by this Church at the Association in October 1893

There being no other business on motion conference adjourned until the next regular meeting

G.W. Newsom  Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   Clerk


October 1892

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in October 1892

After preaching by the Pastor the Church sat in conference

Usual form of opening Conference omitted

Minutes of preceding conference read & received

There being no other business conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom  Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC


November 1892

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in November 1892

Preaching by the Pastor before the church sat in conference

Visiting members invited to seats

Usual invitation given for members

Minutes of last meeting read & received

There being no other business conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’t

A.J. Tidwell   CC


December 1892

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in December 1892

After preaching by the Pastor the Church sat in conference

Visiting members invited to seats

Usual  invitations given for membership

There being no minutes of preceding conference the business of the former meeting postponed until the next regular meeting

Sister Ann Phillips was on her application granted a letter of dismissal when joined to another church of the same faith

On motion conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC


January 1893

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in January 1893

After preaching by the Pastor the Church went into conference

Visiting members invited to seats

Usual invitation given for members

Minutes of the two preceding conferences read & received

On motion Conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC


March 1893

Called meeting of March Saturday before the first Sunday. No meeting in February


The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met in called conference after divine services conducted by the Pastor on Saturday before  the first Sunday in March 1893

Visiting members invited to seats

Usual invitation given for membership

Minutes of last meeting read & received

New business taken up

On motion a charge was preferred against Sister Manie Clare fir unchristian conduct for which the church withdrew fellowship for her

On motion conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC


March 1893

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in March 1893

After preaching by the Pastor the Church sat in Conference

After usual form of opening conference

Minutes of last meeting read and received

There being no other business on motion conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC


April 1893

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in April 1893

After preaching by the Pastor and the usual form of opening the Church proceded to business in conference on motion the Church passed a resolution to commune at least four times a year

On Motion conference adjourned

Preaching at knight and Eleven O’clock on Sunday after which Brother & Sister W.C. & H.H. Hargrove was received by letter into full fellowship with the church. The right had of Church fellowship was not extended to sister A.A. Hargrove on account of her absence

On motion conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC


May 1893

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in May 1893

 After preaching by the Pastor and the usual form of opening the church sat in conference

Minutes of last meeting read & received

The Church extended the right hand of Church fellowship to Sister A.A. Hargrove

Sister H.V.  and Lillie Bell and Brother William and Jerry Bell was on request granted letters of dismissal from this Church when joined by another of the same faith and order

On motion the Church preferred charges against Brother Z.G. Bell for unchristian conduct for which the Church withdrew fellowship from him

On motion conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC

Appendix for Knight Services

On motion Brother W. A. Bell was on his request granted a letter of dismissal whe joined to another Church of the same faith & order

G.W. Newsom  Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC

No Meeting in June 1893 protracted meeting of July


July 1893

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met in a protracted meeting on Friday before the Second Sunday in July 1893

Which resulted as follows sister Bettie Roden, A.J. Tidwell, Bettie Livergood, Eula Bingham and Joe Louvandosky & Brothers Robert Hester, Arthur Garmon, James Shaver and John Livergood was received by Baptism into full fellowship with the church

Sisters A.A. Hargrove, Irene Combs and Carrie Bell was received on a profession of faith & Baptism into full fellowship with the Church

Sister Mary Freeman was received on the acknowledgements into full fellowship & was granted a letter of dismissal

Sister  Mollie Garmon was received on knowledgements to fellowship with the Church

Sisters Martha Jane & Cattie Long, C. A. Perry 7 wife, Benie Perry and William Garmon was received by letter into full fellowship with the Church at the close of the meeting Saturday before the third Sunday

The church sat in conference after Divine Services conducted by Bro. J.A. Carson after the usual form of opening

Minutes of last meeting was read & received

Sister Eula Bingham was on her request granted a letter of dismissal from the Church when joined to another of the same faith and order

On motion conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC

Regular Meeting July 1893

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in July 1893

After preaching by the Pastor the Church sat in conference

Visiting members invited to seats

Usual invitation given for membership

Brother James Carolile presented himself and was received on acknowledgements being formally a member of this Church

Sister Elizabeth Slaughter and Brother George Slaughter was received by letter into full fellowship with Church

Minutes of last meeting read & Received with amendment which should have stated that Sister Fannie Hargrove was received by letter in the full fellowship with the Church

On motion conference adjourned

Preaching at knight after which Sister Leanna Shaver was received as a candidate for Baptism

Preaching on Sunday at eleven O’clock after which the ordinance of Baptism was administered to Sister Leanna Shaver

Preaching at Knight after which Sister Eler Perry was received by letter into fellowship with the Church the right had of Church fellowship was extended to Sister Leanna Shaver

There being no other business conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC


Appendix at a protracted meeting held by Brothers Carson and Carroll on the Lavaca river at the Williams Crossing beginning on Saturday before the first Sunday in August 1893 which resulted as follows Brothers H.H. Cox, Abe Carolile, Walter Slaughter and Edgar Hearn was received by Baptism into full fellowship with Church sister Lizzie Cavendish was also received by Baptism into full fellowship with the church sister Mollie Carolile was received as a candidate for Baptism and into Christian fellowship with the Church Brother J.F. Carson officiated as moderator through out the meeting and administered Baptism to the Candidates

A.J. Tidwell   CC


Granted letters of dismissial from this Church to him and wife and daughter sisters H.H. and Fannie Hargrove

There being no other business on motion conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC


October 1893

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in October 1893

Preaching by the Pastor after which the Church sat in conference

Minutes of last meeting read & adopted

Motion was made and carried to change the time of meetings of this Church from the fourth to the Second Sunday and Saturday before each month

Preaching on Sunday by Brother S.M. Holland after which the Church proceeded to ordain the deacon elected by the church in August 1893 Brother S.M. Holland acting together with our Pastor as a Presbyteria after which the Church Commemorated the Death and Suffering of our Lord and Savior

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC

November 1893

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the Second Sunday in November 1893

Preaching by the Pastor

Conference opened in usual form

Minutes of last meeting read & adopted

There being no other business on motion conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC


December 1893

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the second Sunday in December 1893

Preaching by the Pastor after which conference was opened in the usual form

Minutes of last meeting read and received

There being no other business conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC


January 1894

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the second Sunday in January 1894

After preaching by the Pastor the Church sat in conference

Visiting members invited to seats

Invitation given for members

Minutes  of last meeting read and received

New business called for

The Church withdrew membership from Brother Harvey Cox for using profane language

Sister Martha Jane Loving made acknowledgement for dancing which was satisfactorily received by the Church

A charge was preferred against Brother John Livergood for dancing which was laid over until the next regular meeting there being no other business  conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r

J.S. Roden   Clerk pro tem

No meeting in February & March of 1894


April 1894

The Baptist church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in April 1894  

After preaching by the Pastor the church sat in conference

Visiting members invited to seats

Usual invitation given for members

Minutes of last meeting read & adopted

On motion the Church grant Bro. Robert Hester a letter of withdrew fellowship from Bro John Livergood for dancing on the request of Bro Robert Hester the church granted him a letter of dismissial Bro T.H. Thomas was appointed as a committee to see Sister Mollie Carolile and ascertain if possible whether of not she intended to be Baptized & if so when said committee to report at the next regular meeting there being no other business conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Moderator

A.J. Tidwell  CC


May 1894

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met in conference after preaching by the Pastor on Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in May 1894

Minutes  of last meeting read and adopted

The committee on the case of Sister Millie Carolile reported that she still desired to be Baptized

Report received & committee discharged

There being no other business conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Moderator

A.J. Tidwell   CC

August 1894

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before 2nd Sunday in August 1894

After preaching by the Pastor the Church sat in conference

Invitation given for members of which Bro Jerry Bell was received by letter to full fellowship

Minutes of last meeting read & adopted

On motion Brother James Bell & A.J. Tidwell was appointed as a committee to see those that have not been attending the conference meeting & incourage if possible their attendance at Church

The Clerk was ordered to ascertain whether or not this Church had passed resolution against Play Parties & to report at the next regular meeting

Preaching at night & Sunday

The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Sister Josephine Slaughter after which she was received into full fellowship

On motion conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r


September 1894

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in September 1894

Preaching by the Pastor after which the Church sat in conference

Minutes of last meeting read & adopted

1st committee appointed to wait the members who had not been attending Church made their report which was received & committee discharged

2nd committee that there was no resolution adopted by this church against Play Parties & Dances

On motions the Church passed the following resolution against the Dance, to wit resolved that we the Antioch Baptist church will not tolerated her member attending Partys where vocal or instrumental music is made to be preformed after on motion the Church went into an election for a Pastor which resulted in the unanimous election of Bro G.W. Newsom

Brethren James Bell J.G. Butler & A.J. Tidwell was elected as delegates to the association to be held with the Weimar Baptist Church, Weimar Texas

Brethren Z.G. Bell, C.H. Perry & J.R. Combs was elected alternate delegates

On motion conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell


Call Conference September 30th 1894

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met in call conference September the 30th 1894 & received by letter Sister H.V. Bell & Annie Johnson and Bro, Basel Slaughter to full fellowship with the church

On Motion conference adjourned

G.E. Newsom   Moderator

A.J. Tidwell   CC

October 1894

The Baptist Church of Christ worshiping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sunday of October 1894

Preaching by the Pastor after which conference was opened by usual form

1st minutes of last meeting read & adopted

2nd new business taken up on motion a charge was preferred against Bro. James Carolile for getting drunk on which the Church withdrew fellowship from him, Brethren J.R. Combs , J. G. Roden & A.J. Tidwell was appointed as a committee to investigate and correct the Church record meeting at night after which the church letter to the association was read and adopted

Minutes of a call conference of Sept. the 30th was read & adopted

On motion conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom  Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC



November 1894

The Baptist church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the second Sunday in November 1894

Preaching by the Pastor after which conference opened by usual form

1st minutes of last meeting read & adopted

2nd committee appointed on church record asked further time which was granted

3rd New business taken up on motion a charge was preferred Brethren George Slaughter and Abe Carolile for getting drunk and horse racing on which the Church withdrew fellowship from them on motion the church reconsidered the act of receiving Brethren Ely Warren and A.M. Farington & the names trassed from the role

On motion the church withdrew fellowship from Brethren William Bell, Jerry Bell & Walter Slaughter and sister Lille Bell for attending and participating in a Play Party

O motion conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC


December 1894

The Baptist Church of Christ worshipping at Antioch met Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in December 1894

Preaching by the Pastor after which conference opened in the usual form

Minutes of the last meeting read and adopted

On motion conference adjourned

Meeting Sunday & at night after which Bro, G.W. Newsom was received by letter into full fellowship with the Church

On motion and by request of Brethren H.B. Hunt and James Bell was granted letters of commendation from this Church   

On motion conference adjourned

G.W. Newsom   Mod’r

A.J. Tidwell   CC


List of members in the Association in October 1895  AD

Left hand margin is missing thus first name of the men are missing
A. J. Tidwell
H. B. Hunt
T. H. Thomas
Jno  Brown
William Garmon
Arthur Garmon
Jerome Sonders
Wm Jones
Thomas Lawrence
Basel Slaughter
J.M. Wilburn
E. Moore
W.A.    Bell
G. Green
Josiah Harris
G.S. Carolile
H.M. Tombs
Ben Harless
Lee Hudler
Henry Matthews
Henry Lawrence
Eddie Bell
G.W. Newsom
Gola Phillips
Manirvia Squires
Lillie Bell
Irene Combs
Laura Copeland
Ellen Smith
Caroline Leslie
Fancy Hunt
H.E. Tidwell
Bettie Roden
Martha Long
Cattie Long
Renee Perry
Mollie Garmon
Bettie Livergood
Leanna Shaver
Lizzie Cavendish
E.K. Walker
Vinnie Grace
Lula Henry
Sallie Williams
Renie Garmon
Ellen Aldridge
Josephine Slaughter
Mollie Carolile
H. V. Bell
L. A. Tidwell
Lela Tidwell
Bethel Yearwood
Lela Yearwood
Laura  Bute 

Related Link

Antioch Cemetery